Samadhi is an ancient Sanskrit word for which there is no modern equivalent. There's a fundamental challenge with making a film about Samadhi. Samadhi points to something that can't be conveyed on the level of mind. This film is simply the outer manifestation of my own inner journey, the intention is not to teach you about Samadhi or provide information for your mind, but to inspire you to directly discover your true nature.
Samadhi is relevant now more than ever. We are at a time in history where we have not only forgotten Samadhi, but we've forgotten what we forgot. This forgetting is Maya, the Illusion of the Self.
As humans, most of us live immersed in our daily lives, with little thought of who we are, why we are here, or where we are going. Most of us have never realized the true self, the soul, or what the Buddha called Anattā, that which is beyond name and form, beyond thinking. as a result, we believe we are these limited bodies. We live in fear, either conscious or unconscious, that the limited self structure that we are identified with, will die.