python3 urllib 爬虫基本使用

python3 urllib 爬虫基本使用

作者: XiWeidong | 来源:发表于2018-03-13 22:04 被阅读0次


01 简单使用

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import urllib.request

request_url = 'http://www.baidu.com'           # 需要请求的URL地址
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request_url) # 发起请求
print(response.read().decode('utf-8'))         # 打印响应的文本,并进行UTF-8解码

  • read(), readline(), readlines(), fileno(), close():对HTTPResponse类型数据进行操作
  • info():返回HTTPMessage对象,表示远程服务器返回的头信息
  • getcode():返回Http状态码。如果是http请求,200请求成功完成、404网址未找到等等
  • geturl():返回请求的url

02 GET 方法

 #!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import urllib.request
import urllib.parse

get_data = {'username': 'aaa', 'password': 'bbb'}          # 此处将GET的数据定义为一个字典
get_data_encode = urllib.parse.urlencode(get_data)         # 将GET的数据进行编码

request_url = 'http://www.baidu.com'              # 需要请求的URL地址
request_url += '?' + get_data_encode                       # 追加GET参数到URL后面

# https://www.zhihu.com/#signin?username=aaa&password=bbb

# 发起请求
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request_url)
print(response.read().decode('utf-8'))         # 打印响应的文本,并进行UTF-8解码

03 GET并获取header信息

from urllib import request

with request.urlopen('http://www.baidu.com') as f:
    data = f.read()
    print('Status:', f.status, f.reason)
    for k, v in f.getheaders():
        print('%s: %s' % (k, v))
    print('Data:', data.decode('utf-8'))

04 POST 方法

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import urllib.request
import urllib.parse

post_data = {'first': 'true', 'pn': 1, 'kd': 'Python'}      # 此处将POST的数据定义为一个字典
post_data_encode = urllib.parse.urlencode(post_data)        # 将POST的数据进行编码

# UTF-8编码
# 否则会报错:POST data should be bytes or an iterable of bytes. It cannot be of type str.
post_data_encode = post_data_encode.encode(encoding='utf-8')
request_url = 'http://www.lagou.com/jobs/positionAjax.json?'               # 需要请求的URL地址

# 发起请求
# 此处增加了第二个参数为传送的POST数据(默认为None)
# 第三个参数为请求超时时间,默认为socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request_url, post_data_encode, 3)
print(response.read().decode('utf-8'))         # 打印响应的文本,并进行UTF-8解码

from urllib import request, parse

print('Login to weibo.cn...')
email = input('Email: ')
passwd = input('Password: ')
login_data = parse.urlencode([
    ('username', email),
    ('password', passwd),
    ('entry', 'mweibo'),
    ('client_id', ''),
    ('savestate', '1'),
    ('ec', ''),
    ('pagerefer', 'https://passport.weibo.cn/signin/welcome?entry=mweibo&r=http%3A%2F%2Fm.weibo.cn%2F')

req = request.Request('https://passport.weibo.cn/sso/login')
req.add_header('Origin', 'https://passport.weibo.cn')
req.add_header('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/6.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25')
req.add_header('Referer', 'https://passport.weibo.cn/signin/login?entry=mweibo&res=wel&wm=3349&r=http%3A%2F%2Fm.weibo.cn%2F')

with request.urlopen(req, data=login_data.encode('utf-8')) as f:
    print('Status:', f.status, f.reason)
    for k, v in f.getheaders():
        print('%s: %s' % (k, v))
    print('Data:', f.read().decode('utf-8'))

04 使用Request 设置Headers属性

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse

user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87'
referer = 'http://www.lagou.com/jobs/positionAjax.json?'
post_data = {'first': 'true', 'pn': 1, 'kd': 'Python'}                              # 此处将POST的数据定义为一个字典
headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent, 'Referer': referer}                            # Headers属性初始化
post_data_encode = urllib.parse.urlencode(post_data)                                # 将POST的数据进行编码

# UTF-8编码
# 否则会报错:POST data should be bytes or an iterable of bytes. It cannot be of type str.
post_data_encode = post_data_encode.encode(encoding='utf-8')
request_url = 'http://www.lagou.com/zhaopin/Python/?labelWords=label'               # 需要请求的URL地址

# 使用Request来设置Headers
request = urllib.request.Request(request_url, post_data_encode, headers)

response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
print(response.read().decode('utf-8'))         # 打印响应的文本,并进行UTF-8解码

06 Proxy(代理)的设置

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from urllib import request

request_url = 'http://www.xmgc360.com/project/test.php'
proxy = request.ProxyHandler({'http': ''})   # 设置代理服务器
opener = request.build_opener(proxy)                            # 挂载opener
request.install_opener(opener)                                  # 安装opener
response = request.urlopen(request_url)
print(response.read().decode('utf-8'))         # 打印响应的文本,并进行UTF-8解码

07 异常处理

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from urllib import request

request_url = 'http://www.lagou.com/jobs/positionAjax.json?'
proxy = request.ProxyHandler({'http': ''}) # 设置代理服务器
opener = request.build_opener(proxy)                         # 挂载opener
request.install_opener(opener)                               # 安装opener
    response = request.urlopen(request_url)
except Exception as e:
    print(e)                   # 打印错误码

08 练习





      本文标题:python3 urllib 爬虫基本使用
