A Shortcut To Harvard

A Shortcut To Harvard

作者: 小鲨玎儿 | 来源:发表于2018-11-03 23:33 被阅读52次

    What will help you get into Harvard? Super-rich parents with a chequebook and pen

    1. pen在上一篇说金庸的那篇文章学的是动词撰写。这里作为名词为什么没有加冠词a?顺便查了一下pen的其他用法。
    • V-T If people or animals are penned somewhere or are penned up, they are forced to remain in a very small area.关 (人或动物)
      e.g. The cattle were penned for the night. 这头牛晚上被关了起来。
      e.g. The animals were penned up in cages. 这些动物被关在笼子里了。

    Want a place at Harvard? Persuade your parents to give the university a nice gift. While it is no secret that offering financial gifts to certain Ivy League universities may compensate for a lack of natural gifts, the extent to which Harvard’s admission process favours relatives of big donors is only now being laid bare.

    1. persuade sb to do sth说服某人做某事
    2. it is no secret that...不是什么秘密了(强调句)
    3. Ivy League universities常春藤名校
    4. compensate for a lack of natural gifts弥补天资不足
      e.g. Her hard work will compensate for her lack of experience.
    5. admission process录取过程
    6. The extend to which+ 事件:事件可能发生的程度。
    7. only now
      e.g. This anomaly was documented in the early 1970s, but only now is science beginning to tell us why. 这一特异现象早在1970年代即有论著记叙,然而只是到了现在,科学才开始解说其中原因。
    8. lay sth. bare暴露某事

    This is thanks to a lawsuit currently under way against Harvard that accuses the university of discriminating against Asian Americans. In seeking to determine how Asian Americans are treated by Harvard, the lawsuit has unearthed a number of internal university documents that give unprecedented insight into its (seemingly money-centric) admissions processes.

    1. This is thanks to a lawsuit against Harvard.这要归功于对哈佛的诉讼
    2. under way在进行中;开始
      e.g. The next presidential election is already under way.
    3. accuse sb of doing sth
    4. discriminate against
    5. in seeking to determine为了查明
      e.g. In seeking to establish the identity of the reconstructed statue ,the archaeologists tried to determine which goddess it represented .
    6. unearth v. 发现揭露 reveal release
    7. unprecedented adj. 空前的,前所未有的
      e.g. unprecedented sales
    8. give insight into...给出对...的深刻理解
    9. seemingly money-centric貌似以金钱为中心

    While the lawsuit has brought attention to the way in which donations and admissions are intertwined at Harvard, this wasn’t its primary motive. The case, brought by a controversial conservative, Edward Blum, is rather more complicated than that. While ostensibly about racial bias against Asian Americans, the lawsuit is widely seen as an attempt to dismantle affirmative action policies that give traditionally underrepresented groups such as African Americans and Latinos a better chance at attending elite universities such as Harvard.

    1. way n.方式manner
    • in a friendly way以友好的方式
    • in more ways than one (= in a number of ways) 在多方面
      e.g. The changes will benefit the company in more ways than one.
    • that’s no way to do sth (= used to tell someone that they should not be doing something in a particular manner) 不能用这种方式做某事
      e.g. That’s no way to speak to your father!不能这样跟你父亲说话!
    1. intertwine v. 紧密相关
      A and B are intertwined.
    2. motive n.动机,目的
    3. bring charges/a lawsuit/a court case/a prosecution/a claim (against sb)
      to begin a court case in order to try to prove that someone has done something wrong or is legally responsible for something wrong 起诉(某人),对(某人)提起诉讼
      e.g. Survivors of the fire later brought a billion-dollar lawsuit against the company. 火灾的幸存者后来对该公司提起诉讼,索赔十亿美元。
      e.g. The police say they are planning to bring charges against him. 警方说他们准备起诉他。
    4. controversial conservative有争议的保守党党员
    5. ostensibly /ɑːˈstensəbli/ adv. 表面地
      ostensible adj. seeming to be the reason for or the purpose of something, but usually hiding the real reason or purpose 〔理由或动机〕表面上的,貌似真实的,诡称的
    6. racial bias种族偏见+ against
    7. dismantle /dɪsˈmæntl/ v. 废除
      e.g. The government was in the process of dismantling the state-owned industries.
    8. affirmative action平权法案
    9. underrepresented adj.代表名额不足的;未被充分代表的
    10. chance(/不知道为什么这后面跟了介词at,字典里找不到这样的用法/)
    • ADJ A chance meeting or event is one that is not planned or expected. 偶然的
      ...a chance meeting. …一次邂逅。
    • V-T If you chance something, you do it even though there is a risk that you may not succeed or that something bad may happen. 冒…险
      Andy knew the risks. I cannot believe he would have chanced it.

    Conservatives love to decry affirmative action as “reverse racism” and condemn the idea of racial quotas. What this lawsuit, perhaps inadvertently, has made abundantly clear, however, is that the most widespread affirmative action programmes at play in elite institutions don’t help minority racial groups—they help rich, predominantly white people. These programmes just aren’t labelled “affirmative action”. They are labelled the status quo.

    1. decry /dɪˈkraɪ/ v. (公开)反对,谴责
    2. reverse racism 逆向种族主义
    3. condemn /kənˈdem/ v. (通常指出于道义而)指责,谴责
    4. quota/ˈkwoʊtə/ n. 配额
    5. inadvertently /ˌɪnədˈvɜːrtəntli/ adv. 不经意地
    6. at play 生效
    7. predominantly /prɪˈdɑːmɪnətli/ adv. 绝大多数的
    8. status quo 现状
      e.g. Certain people always want to maintain the status quo.








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