1、Identification and development of a functional marker of TaGW2 associated with grain weight in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
2、Homologous haplotypes, expression, genetic effects and geographic distribution of the wheat yield gene TaGW2
3、Identification of Novel SNP in Promoter Sequence of TaGW2-6A Associated with Grain Weight and Other Agronomic Traits in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
4、Down-regulation of the TaGW2 gene by RNA interference results in decreased grain size and weight in wheat
5、Function of TaGW2-6A and its effect on grain weight in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
6、TaGW2-6A allelic variation contributes to grain size possibly by regulating the expression of cytokinins and starch-related genes in wheat
7、Influence of TaGW2-6A on seed development in wheat by negatively regulating gibberellin synthesis
8、TaGW2, a Good Reflection of Wheat Polyploidization and Evolution
9、A splice acceptor site mutation in TaGW2-A1 increases thousand grain weight in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat through wider and longer grains
10、A mutation in TaGW2-A increases thousand grain weight in wheat
11、Analyse fonctionnelle de TaGW2, une E3 ligase de type RING, dans le développement du grain de blé tendre (Triticum aestivum)
12、Transcript suppression of TaGW2 increased grain width and weight in bread wheat
13、SNP identification and allelic-specific PCR markers development for TaGW2, a gene linked to wheat kernel weight.
说回今天要推荐的文章上,今天要推荐的文章发表在TAG上,文章的题目是“A novel allele of TaGW2-A1 is located in a finely mapped QTL that increases grain weight but decreases grain number in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)”,通讯作者是中国农大的倪中福教授,第一作者是翟会杰。
本文主要对粒重和穗粒数进行了研究。首先利用包含191个家系的RIL群体,获得了11组田间表型数据,结合图谱上的10,816个SNP和SSR标记进行QTL扫描,最终鉴定出5个基因组区段(QTL)与粒重或穗粒数有关,分别位于1B,3A,3B,5B以,6A以及7A。其中6A上的QTL既影响粒重也影响穗粒数,使用近等基因系该QTL被定位在长0.538cM的区间内,效应评价表明该位点在优异近等基因系里能增加千粒重8.33%,但穗粒数减少了3.05%。在该区间内有一个已报道的基因TaGW2,所以接下来就在两个材料里克隆该基因,发现粒重高的材料在基因的5'端有114bp的缺失,该缺失能够影响启动子活性继而下调基因表达。对848份普通小麦检测发现只有3份材料缺失114bp,分别是Jinan 13, Jinghua 9和Gaoyou 0551。