汉译英 语态的处理
1. 汉语被动句(带被动标记)
1. 竹子挺拔秀丽,岁寒不凋,自古以来,受到人们的普遍喜爱。(英-先结果,后原因)
The bamboo has been widely appreciated since ancient times since it is straight and graceful.never withering in cold winter.
补充:表示原因可用since /because/as
2. 现今武术的强体健身作用得到了人们广泛的认同。
Now the value of martial arts in body-building and fitness is widely appreciated.
3. 泰山被誉为“五岳”之首。
Mount Tai is regarded as the top of the Five Sacred /ˈseɪkrɪd/神圣的 Mounts.
2. 汉语被动句(隐含被动词或没有被动标记)
1. 中国园林分成两类,中国北方的皇家园林和南方的私家园林。
Chinese gardens are divided into two groups,the Imperial /ɪmˈpɪəriəl /Garden Architecture in north China,and the Private Garden Architecture in south China.
2. 宋朝,火药广泛地应用于军事上, 指南针用于航海。
In the Song Dynasty,gunpowder was widely used for military purposes, and the compass was employed for navigation.
1. 强调受动者。
Soup are emphasized /stressed/given much emphasis in Shandong cuisine.
2. 上下文连贯-共同主语
Chinese knots have been used from the earliest times in ancient China,
Some knots were used to record events,while other knots had a purely ornamental function.
3. 习惯用语和固定句型-背诵
It is generally accepted/agreed /recognized that…
有人(大家)相信…:It is believed that…
众所周知……:It is well-known that…
据说(有人说)…:It is said that…
据估计(预计)…:It is estimated (predicted)that…
据报导…:It is reported that…
必须指出…It must be pointed out that…
必须承认…It must be admitted that…
无可否认… It cannot be denied that…
已经证明…It has been proved that…
e.g.1 据说唐朝就已经有了中秋节吃月饼的习俗。
It is said that the custom of eating moon cakes on the Mid-Autumn Day has been around since the Tang Dynasty.
e.g.2 众所周知,广东人在吃上敢于冒险,各种肉各种蔬菜都能入口。
It is widely known that Cantonese /ˌkæntəˈniːz/ have an adventurous palate(n.上鳄,味觉),eating many different kinds of meats and vegetables.
palate /ˈpælət/味觉;品尝力
补充:表示“预计”:it is predicated/expected/projected/that…
In the next five years,China is expected to import 10 trillion US dollars of goods,and invest 500 billion US dollars overseas.
三位,trillion,billion,million, thousand -中文翻,去掉一位。
1. 要努力确保到2015年就业者受过平均13.3年的教育。
China will take steps to ensure the average 13.3-year education of all employess by 2015.(补充主语)
或:Efforts will be made/Steps will be taken to ensure the average 13.3-year education of all employees by 2015.(被动语态)
2. 如果这一目标得以实现,今后大部分进入劳动力市场的人都需获得大学文凭。
If the goal is achieved,the majority of people in the labor market will have the Bachelor’s degree.
Achievement of the goal means that the majority of people in the labor market will have the Bachelor’s degree.
3. 在未来几年,将着力增加职业学院的招生人数(后半句)除了关注高等教育外,还将寻找新的突破以确保教育制度更加公平。
In the next few years,efforts will be made to increase the enrollment in vocational colleages.
或:In the next few years, the enrollment in vocational colleages will be increased through great efforts.
后半句:While higher education receives attention,China will seek new breakthroghs to ensure justice in the educational system.
或While higher education is highly regarded ,new breakthroughs will be made to ensure justice in the educational system.
或:While the attention is focused on higher education ,China will seek new breakthroghs to ensure justice in the educational system.
或:The next few years will see the increase in the enrollment in vocational colleges.
4. 中国正在努力最佳地利用教育资源,这样农村和欠发达将得到更多的支持。
China is endeavoring to optimize education resources so that more support will be provided to the countryside and the less developed areas.
5. 欠发达地区学生的营养要改善,要向外来务工人员的子女提供在城市接受教育的同等机会。
The nutrition of students in less developed areas is to be improved and equal opportunities will be provided for the children of migrant workers to receive education in the cities.
1. 没有明显被动词的中文句子仍然可以用被动语态翻译。
2. 英文中一些固定结构与汉语中部分隐含了被动标记的词语在翻译中是可逆的。
英译汉 被动语态的翻译
1. 变被动为主动
2. 改用被动词
3. 省略被动词(具体见P6&P7中国园林,后不赘述)
4. 固定结构—有人,人们,大家-主语不明确
e.g.1.Let that be realized, no survial for the British Empire /ˈempaɪə(r)/,no survival for all that British Empire has stood for.
3. Death is old age is rarely called untimely- a long life is thought to be a full one.
--1.More than 50,000 computers at websites were infected by a computer virus that is spreading rapidly around the word.
--2.As more and more people flock to the backcountry,habitat for native plants and wildlife is inevitably compromised.
4. Americans prefer to discipline themselves rather than be disciplined by others.
It is generally accepted/agreed /recognized that…
有人(大家)相信…:It is believed that…
众所周知……:It is well-known that…
据说(有人说)…:It is said that…
据估计(预计)…:It is estimated (predicted)that…
据报导…:It is reported that…
必须指出…It must be pointed out that…
必须承认…It must be admitted that…
大家认为…It is generally considered…
e.g.It is reportd that matters in transportion get worse and very quickly.
补充: 英文原文还可以说成Matters in transportation are reported to get worse and very quickly.
1. 汉译英中语态的处理,包括明显的被动句、隐含被动标记的句子、固定搭配
2. 英译汉中语态的处理,包括变被动为主动、改用被动词、省略被动词、固定搭配。
3. 汉语和英语中表示被动的惯用搭配在翻译中一般是可逆的。