GCDF Week 3 美国职业发展大纲

GCDF Week 3 美国职业发展大纲

作者: 猫眼看生涯 | 来源:发表于2017-08-31 11:29 被阅读0次

在美国,做一名合格的生涯咨询师/职业教练要遵循National Career Development Guidelines(NCDG)大纲,大纲主要包括三个领域:

-Personal Social Development (PS) 

-Educational Achievement and Lifelong Learning (ED)

-Career Managment (CM)







GOAL PS1 Develop understanding of yourself to build and maintain a positive self-concept.

It’s very interesting when reading the NCDG framework. It helps me refresh and reorganize the work when I was working at the Career Development Center (CDC) at IU. Based on the decentralized career service module, CDC mainly focuses on University Division students, who haven’t declared a major yet. So the self-exploration is the top priority of the whole center, which is also my career passion.

When helping students get a better understanding of themselves, VIPS (Value, Interest, Personality, Skills) are four dimensions we explore. Usually, we will use open questions to gain information and guide students to reflect on themselves at the beginning. Frequent questions are like, “What’s your favorite class in high school/so far in college? Why?” “What kind of activities gives you a strong sense of fulfillment?” “Would you like to share one accomplishment you’ve done before, and what do you learn from this accomplishment?”

Sometimes students could extract very useful information to better understand themselves. But sometimes for students who haven’t exposure a lot to the world of work, we couldn’t dig deep and find enough information. Most of the time, we will introduce self-assessment, such as Strong Interest Inventory and MBTI to them. And they can choose whether they want to take it or not, soon or later. We also provide other tools or activities to help them identify their VIPS, such as interest/values checklist, motivational skills/work value card sort, etc. Those are all effective ways to let students reflect themselves inside and talk out who they are using the interpretation sessions.

Besides the methods to identify student’s VIPS above, personally, I’d like students to draw connections between their VIPS, and maybe draw a real draft to show how their VIPS relate to each other and how these valuable pieces play a role in their major/career decisions. For example, I had a student highlight “helping people” ”Psych class” in her Interest bubble; “Communication” “listening” “memorizing details” in her skillset; “Feeling” instead of “Thinking” on the MBTI scale; and “Honesty and integrity” in her value circle, and circled all of these pieces toward to a therapist career. And she was happy to see how those factors work together and to interpret her career thoughts in her own words.

All the domains described in the NCDG are important to me as a career coach working with students. But in my heart, I believe the inner power most. And I hope everyone could find their potential and talent and pursue a career best fit them.

作者:赵韵姗Amanda, 美国大学职业发展中心咨询师,美国认证MBTI性格测验施测师,SII霍兰德职业兴趣测验施测师,印第安纳大学伯明顿心理咨询硕士,南开大学高等教育硕士,国家二级心理咨询师。



      本文标题:GCDF Week 3 美国职业发展大纲
