

作者: cecihanlee | 来源:发表于2018-11-04 18:31 被阅读0次

    1204 韩鹏翼 Ceci

    whose mouse are you? By Robert Kraus, pictures by Jose Aruego.

    麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营[12期]7/21绘本赏析《Whose mouse are you?》

    I told the story for my son.Open this book.“what do you see?”I asked.

    “两只大耳朵、两只小眼睛。”he said.

    “Two big eras,two small eyes.”I said to he.

    I pointed it and asked:“What color is it?”

    “ grey.”he said.

    “what is it?”

    “大象。”“Isn't it?let's read the story.”

    Where is your mother? Inside the cat.

    麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营[12期]7/21绘本赏析《Whose mouse are you?》

    Where is your father? Caught in a trap.

    麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营[12期]7/21绘本赏析《Whose mouse are you?》

    Where is your sister? Far from home.

    麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营[12期]7/21绘本赏析《Whose mouse are you?》

    Where is your brother? I have none.

    麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营[12期]7/21绘本赏析《Whose mouse are you?》

    What will you do?

    Shake my mother out of the cat!

    麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营[12期]7/21绘本赏析《Whose mouse are you?》

    Free my father from the trap!

    麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营[12期]7/21绘本赏析《Whose mouse are you?》

    Find my sister and bring her home.

    麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营[12期]7/21绘本赏析《Whose mouse are you?》

    Wish for a brother as I have none.

    麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营[12期]7/21绘本赏析《Whose mouse are you?》

    The mouse have a family now.she has mother, father, sister and a new brother. She fell very happy!

    The story showed us the little mouse feeling unloved at the beginning, but at the end, she felt beloved. I asked him:where is your father?he said:我爸爸在家里呀。“where is your Mather?”I asked.“你不是就在这儿么!”他笑嘻嘻的扭过头指着我。“where is your sister or your brother?”“她还在你的肚子里了!”他哈哈大笑的指着我的肚子。I would give all my love to my family!



