Set your expectations

Set your expectations

作者: _浅墨_ | 来源:发表于2020-08-20 20:52 被阅读0次

    One of the things you often hear from people is, "Oh, programming is easy. Every beginner, everybody can do it. If you are an 8 year old, if you're a 60 year old, everybody can learn to code and it's super easy."

    And my response to that is that it's really really irresponsible for people to say this.

    Because, quite honestly, programming is hard. It's not easy. It's definitely not easy.

    And you know, you can't think like, "Oh, why is it that everybody's saying it's so easy, but like I'm finding it so hard? Does that mean I'm dumb?"

    It's not true! It's a hard thing that you're doing.

    But the other sort of side where people flip to you as well is like, "Programming is impossible. Like you either have to be like a genius or you're not going to get it."

    And that's not true either.

    Because, like if you go on YouTube and you look at all the developers, there is no difference between these people who have learned it and you.

    Like nobody is better than anybody.

    It's just the amount of work that somebody has put in.

    If you put in more work you end up with more results.

    That's all it is.

    So don't be fooled by these two things people say: programming is easy or programming is really hard and impossible.

    They are both not true.

    Programming is hard, but it's doable, and it's doable by you as long as you keep going like you have been. Then you're going to get there.

    So keep going and we're going to do great.

    2020.08.20 night
    Shanghai Erlian



          本文标题:Set your expectations
