Using creative writing technique

作者: 危柯宇新体验lab | 来源:发表于2019-08-03 23:30 被阅读55次

One of the most creative writing techniques is definitely free writing.In my line of work, the “mind mapping” technique comes in handy. I use it so oftenand so instinctively that I have to admit that I no longer think of it as a technique.In my daily work, I need to tackle all kinds of new problems from time to time anduse a common consultant’s approach:

First step: listing bullet point. I don’t always know what the most relevantinformation is until I sort through all of the key words.

Second step: expending each key word with related things. I could deeplydig out the information like cubing way.

Third step: finding a familiar structure to rearrange my ideas, justlike answering the five “wh-” and two “how” questions as you think deeply with it.

Next step: thinking about the idea for each parts what you really wantto express. It allows me to think through all of the details, summarize them, rethinkthem.

Finally: overall reviewing my thoughts and fixing it again and again.I believe that final summary could give me a jump-improve in my mind.

In the process, you can find some surprising ideas, it really helps medeal with problems in a brilliant way.

Another technique I’d like to formally experiment with is metaphor. Withusing it, I could connect several things together. What if I travel in a bird way,using my artificial wings? What if sound and smell add to my article, taking animagination when you read my article, not only can you feel with your eyes, but also feel by your ear with suitable music and smell by your nose with flavor.

(PS: nine writing techniques were introduced: metaphor, hyperbole, symbolism, free

writing, focused free writing, loop writing, listing, questioning and cubing)



    本文标题:Using creative writing technique
