August notes 2

August notes 2

作者: 駝駝小欣 | 来源:发表于2019-08-14 23:35 被阅读0次

4. Just finished Harry Potter 2 today. I can learn quite a lot from those useful expressions in the book, and with so many screenshots in my iPad now I should probably find time to review it lol.

5. Recently I have a hearty appetite, and I’ve been snacking on cookies while reading. It’s so ironical that I just said I’m on a diet to my friends! How could it be possible to slim down if I couldn’t even avoid eating snacks! Sometimes I think it’s kind of a side effect after I practise intermittent fasting and 5/2 fasting. By doing so for about several months, it surely has a prominent effect on me and it perfectly suit me when I’m busy. But things don’t work well since I got so much time to fool around eating whatever I want. The lack of food during my fasting time, somehow makes me craving for foods while eating.

6. I have so much fun at one of my Yoga lesson, the teacher is an amiable guy who loves taking photos as well! While it’s not very pleasant at another class this week, I have no idea why taking children to Yoga classes (yes, I’m not fond of kids, especially noisy ones). But the teacher is also perfect! She is professional at meridian kind of things, I don’t really get it when she start talking about that, but her tender voice makes me relax, almost fall asleep at the end of the lesson.

August notes 2



      本文标题:August notes 2
