1. A novel method for lung masses detection and location based on deep learning_2017
We find that the methodology using RESNET for feature extraction is more satisfying than VGG16, the Ap achieved 52.38% by comparing the test results.

2. An evaluation of region based object detection strategies within X-ray baggage security imagery - IEEE Conference Publication_2017
R-FCN is proposed by Dai et al. [21] by pointing out the main limitation of Faster RCNN that each region proposal within RoI pooling layer is computed hundreds of time due to the two subsequent fully connected layers, which is computationally expensive (Figure 2B). They propose a new approach removing fully connected layers after RoI pooling, and employing a new approach called “position sensitive score map” [21], which handles translation variance issue in detection task (Figure 2C). Since no fully connected subnetwork is used, the proposed model shares weights within almost entire network. This leads to much faster convergence both in training and test stages, while achieving similar results to Fast RCNN.

Faster RCNN (with VGG16) yields 88.3 mAP over a 6-class object detection problem whilst R-FCN (with ResNet-101) achieves 96.3 mAP for firearm detection requiring only 0.1 s per image.
3. Automatic detection of lung nodules: false positive reduction using convolution neural networks and handcrafted features_2017_medicalImage
4. Boundary Regularized Convolutional Neural Network for Layer Parsing of Breast Anatomy in Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound_2017_medicalimage

The computational breast anatomy decomposition in the AWBUS images is formulated as a pixel classification problem with four classes of subcutaneous fat, breast parenchyma, pectolis muscle, and chest wall.
deep supervision with the boundary maps is also implemented by the same 5 auxiliary side networks shown in Fig. 2

5. Fully convolutional multi-scale residual DenseNets for cardiac segmentation and automated cardiac diagnosis using ensemble of classifiers_2019_Medical Image Analysis


6. The adaptive computer-aided diagnosis system based on tumor sizes for the classification of breast tumors detected at screening ultrasound_Ultrasonics_2017

7. Using Multi-level Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Lung Nodules on CT images_2018
three levels of CNNs where each level has the same structureand same numbers of feature maps in the secondconvolutional layers, but they have different convolutionalkernels. This idea is aimed to extract multi-scale features ofinput effectively

if we use multi-scale convolution strategy in a single level CNN, for example, a CNN contains 3 convolutional layers with 3 kinds of convolutional kernel sizes, each convolutional layer only can extract one scale features.
We designed 3 kinds of convolutional kernels to improve the ability of extracting features, they are 3×3, 5×5 and 7×7, respectively.
8. Multi-crop Convolutional Neural Networks for lung nodule malignancy suspiciousness classification _Pattern Recognition_2017
We present a Multi-crop Convolutional Neural Network (MC-CNN) to automatically extract nodule salient information by employing a novel multi-crop pooling strategy which crops different regions from convolutional feature maps and then applies max-pooling different times.
We propose a multi-crop pooling operation which is a specialized pooling strategy for producing multi-scale features to surrogate the conventional max-pooling operation. Without using multiple networks to produce multi-scale features, the proposed approach applying on a single network is effective in computational complexity
Such a setting hinders it from capturing accurate object-specific information when the size of objects varied largely in the images.

9. Visualizing and Comparing AlexNet and VGG using Deconvolutional Layers_2016
本文目的是探究CNN网络的内部结构,通过可视化不同层间的不同表达,和每一层保留了什么信息,通过可视化的方法对比named as VGG-16 and AlexNet respectively.
visualizing patches in the representation spaces constructed by different layers, and visualizing visual information kept in each layer.
CNN一个厉害的地方就在于通过感受野和权值共享减少了神经网络需要训练的参数的个数,所谓权值共享就是同一个Feature Map中神经元权值共享,该Feature Map中的所有神经元使用同一个权值。因此参数个数与神经元的个数无关,只与卷积核的大小及Feature Map的个数相关。https://blog.csdn.net/whr_ws/article/details/82822680
In CNN, neurons are organized by layer, each neuron receives neuron activations from previous layer and weighted by weights in the connections. In fully-connected layer, each neuron is connected to all neurons in previous layers with its own weights. While in convolutional layer, neurons are further organized by feature map and only locally connected to neurons in previous layer. Moreover, all neurons in a feature map share the same filter (weights bank), so neurons in a feature map are favoring the same kind of pattern.

Through comparison of CNNs with different depths, it shows that deeper CNN is better at extracting the discriminant information, which improves the prediction performance
10. Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Analysis: Full Training or Fine Tuning?_TMI_2016
Can the use of pre-trained deep CNNs with sufficient fine-tuning eliminate the need for training a deep CNN from scratch?
1. We demonstrated how fine-tuning a pre-trained CNN in a layer-wise manner leads to incremental performance improvement.如何微调的问题
2. We analyzed how the availability of training samples influences the choice between pre-trained CNNs and CNNs trained from scratch.训练数据与微调模型的选择问题