Vapor 路由、中间件、 Auth用户权限。

Vapor 路由、中间件、 Auth用户权限。

作者: Vine_Finer | 来源:发表于2018-02-04 18:12 被阅读57次



路由 Routing


  • Routing is one of the most critical parts of a web framework. The router decides which requests get which responses.

  • 路由是Web框架中最重要的部分之一。 路由器决定哪些请求得到哪些响应。

  • Vapor has a plethora of functionality for routing including route builders, groups, and collections. In this section, we will look at the basics of routing.

  • Vapor具有很多的路由功能,包括路由builders,组和集合。 在本节中,我们将看看路由的基础知识。


drop.get("welcome") { request in
    return "Hello"


drop.get("foo", "bar", "baz") { request in
    return "You requested /foo/bar/baz"


drop.get("vapor") { request in
    return Response(redirect: "http://vapor.codes")

响应类型(Response Representable)

drop.get("json") { request in
    var json = JSON()
    try json.set("number", 123)
    try json.set("text", "unicorns")
    try json.set("bool", false)
    return json


drop.get("404") { request in
    throw Abort(.notFound)

drop.get("error") { request in
    throw Abort(.badRequest, reason: "Sorry 😱")


app.get("anything", "*") { request in
    return "Matches anything after /anything"

  • Fallback routes allow you to match multiple layers of nesting slashes.

  • 回退路线允许您匹配多个嵌套斜杠层。

  • For example, the above route matches all of the following and more:

  • 例如,上面的路线匹配以下所有内容:

  • /anything

  • /anything/foo

  • /anything/foo/bar

  • /anything/foo/bar/baz

参数 Routing Parameters

  • This creates a route that matches users/:id where the :id is an Int. Here's what it would look like using manual route parameters.

  • 这将创建一个匹配 users /:id的路由:id是一个Int。 这是使用手动路由参数的样子。

drop.get("users", ":id") { request in
    guard let userId = request.parameters["id"]?.int else {
        throw Abort.badRequest

    return "You requested User #\(userId)"


  • Any type conforming to Parameterizable can be used as a parameter. By default, all Vapor Models conform.
  • 大致就是能直接获得一个Model对象
drop.get("users", User.parameter) { req in
    let user = try req.parameters.next(User.self)

    return "You requested \(user.name)"

Route Groups (路由组)


drop.group("v1") { v1 in
    v1.get("users") { request in
        // get the users


let v1 = drop.grouped("v1")
v1.get("users") { request in
    // get the users

Middleware (中间件)

drop.group(AuthMiddleware()) { authorized in 
    authorized.get("token") { request in
        // has been authorized


drop.group(host: "vapor.codes") { vapor in
    vapor.get { request in
        // only responds to requests to vapor.codes

Chaining 链式调用

drop.grouped(host: "vapor.codes").grouped(AuthMiddleware()).group("v1") { authedSecureV1 in
    // add routes here

Route Collections

Route collections allow multiple routes and route groups to be organized in different files or modules.



import Vapor
import HTTP
import Routing

class V1Collection: RouteCollection {
    func build(_ builder: RouteBuilder) {
        let v1 = builder.grouped("v1")
        let users = v1.grouped("users")
        let articles = v1.grouped("articles")

        users.get { request in
            return "Requested all users."

        articles.get(Article.init) { request, article in
            return "Requested \(article.name)"
  • 调用如下
let v1 = V1Collection()

Empty Initializable

  • You can add EmptyInitializable to your route collection if it has an empty init method. This will allow you to add the route collection via its type name.
class V1Collection: RouteCollection, EmptyInitializable {
    init() { }
  • 现在我们可以这样初始化进行调用

中间件 Middleware



  • Middleware is an essential part of any modern web framework. It allows you to modify requests and responses as they pass between the client and your server.

  • 中间件是任何现代Web框架的重要组成部分。 它允许您在客户端和服务器之间传递请求和响应。

  • You can imagine middleware as a chain of logic connecting your server to the client requesting your web app.

  • 您可以将中间件想象为连接您的服务器和请求您的Web应用程序的客户端的逻辑链。

Version Middleware

  • As an example, let's create a middleware that will add the version of our API to each response. The middleware would look something like this:

  • 作为一个例子,我们来创建一个中间件,将我们的API版本添加到每个响应中。 中间件看起来像这样:

import HTTP

final class VersionMiddleware: Middleware {
    func respond(to request: Request, chainingTo next: Responder) throws -> Response {
        let response = try next.respond(to: request)

        response.headers["Version"] = "API v1.0"

        return response
  • 使用的话大致如下
import Vapor

let config = try Config()

config.addConfigurable(middleware: VersionMiddleware(), name: "version")

let drop = try Droplet(config)

Auth用户认证 HTTP Session Validation Auth

HTTP https://docs.vapor.codes/2.0/http/package/


Auth https://docs.vapor.codes/2.0/auth/package/

  • 使用Auth
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "Project",
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "https://github.com/vapor/vapor.git", majorVersion: 2),
        .Package(url: "https://github.com/vapor/auth-provider.git", majorVersion: 1)
    exclude: [ ... ]


1、需要 SessionPersistable

let memory = MemorySessions()
let sessionsMiddleware = SessionsMiddleware(memory)

2、 需要 Persist

let persistMiddleware = PersistMiddleware(User.self)

  • Authentication
let passwordMiddleware = PasswordAuthenticationMiddleware(User.self)
  • Droplet
import Vapor
import Sessions
import AuthProvider

let drop = try Droplet()

let authed = drop.grouped([sessionsMiddleware, persistMiddleware, passwordMiddleware])

  • 返回已经认证的用户
authed.get("me") { req in
    // return the authenticated user
    return try req.auth.assertAuthenticated(User.self)



      本文标题:Vapor 路由、中间件、 Auth用户权限。
