先读为快!读塔勒布的新书《Skin In The Game》

先读为快!读塔勒布的新书《Skin In The Game》

作者: victorthy | 来源:发表于2018-07-22 20:58 被阅读0次

塔勒布的书,读起来没那么轻松,都是有一定的深度,算是金融领域少有的深度畅销书作家。这本Skin in the game是年初出版,英文版看起来有点费劲,哈哈。不过看过以前他写的三部曲,那也就适应了作者的风格。本书主要是讲权利与责任不对等的问题,细细读完,会收获不少感悟,强力推荐!

先读为快!读塔勒布的新书《Skin In The Game》

巴菲特曾经说过:要在投资中获得成功,你就需要有Skin in the game,这句话翻译可以理解为利益攸关,风险同担。

之前,看了塔勒布写的三部《The Black Swan,黑天鹅》、《随机漫步的傻瓜》、《Antifragile,反脆弱性》,这本《Skin in the game》应该还没有中文版。择录几段“金句”分享下:

• For social justice, focus on symmetry and risk sharing. You cannot make profits and transfer the risks to others, as bankers and large corporations do. You cannot get rich without owning your own risk and paying for your own losses. Forcing skin in the game corrects this asymmetry better than thousands of laws and regulations.

• Ethical rules aren’t universal. You’re part of a group larger than you, but it’s still smaller than humanity in general.

• Minorities, not majorities, run the world. The world is not run by consensus but by stubborn minorities imposing their tastes and ethics on others.

• You can be an intellectual yet still be an idiot. “Educated philistines” have been wrong on everything from Stalinism to Iraq to low-carb diets.

• Beware of complicated solutions (that someone was paid to find). A simple barbell can build muscle better than expensive new machines.

• How much you truly "believe" in something can be manifested only through what you are willing to risk for it.你有多相信某件事的唯一证明方式就是:你愿意为之冒多少风险。

• Rationality does not depend on explicit verbalistic explanatory factors; it is only what aids survival, what avoids ruin.

• Not everything thathappens happensfor a reason, but everything thatsurvives survivesfor a reason.

• True religion is commitment, not just faith. How much you believe in something is manifested only by what you’re willing to risk for it.

先读为快!读塔勒布的新书《Skin In The Game》



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