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“Authenticating with the iTunes

“Authenticating with the iTunes

作者: liam_7 | 来源:发表于2017-06-20 11:55 被阅读258次


    Xcode 提交 app 到 iTunes store 时总是卡死在 “Authenticating with the iTunes store”。改DNS、用VPN都不行,全局、自动代理模式全都试过了。

    网上找解决办法,有很多人推荐使用“Application Loader”上传:
    但是使用 Application Loader 提交时又卡死在 “正在通过 iTunes Store进行鉴定”



    不管怎么样 app 总得上传吧!继续上网寻求办法,终于皇天不负苦心人,在 苹果开发者论坛 里让我给淘着了。这个办法非常perfect...😊😊😊



    $ cd ~    #进入用户根目录
    $ mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/    #将名为itmstransporter的隐藏文件重命名为old_itmstransporter
    $ /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter     #运行Application Loader.app包里的iTMSTransporter程序

    当3条命令都执行完成后再用,XcodeApplication Loader上传。


    注意当第三条命令里的所有请求都返回 ... updated bundle successfully retrieved. 才算成功,效果如下:

    leodeMBP:~ leo$ cd ~
    leodeMBP:~ leo$ mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/
    leodeMBP:~ leo$ /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter 
    [2017-06-20 00:37:16 CST] <main>  INFO: Transporter is searching for updated software components.
    [2017-06-20 00:38:03 CST] <main> DEBUG: Analyzing remote bundle resource com.apple.transporter.asperasupport...
    [2017-06-20 00:38:23 CST] <main> DEBUG:   ... updated bundle successfully retrieved.
    [2017-06-20 00:40:25 CST] <main> DEBUG: Analyzing remote bundle resource slf4j.log4j12...
    [2017-06-20 00:40:25 CST] <main> DEBUG:   ... updated bundle successfully retrieved.
    [2017-06-20 00:40:25 CST] <main>  INFO: Transporter has been successfully updated. The updated components will be available the next time Transporter runs.
    leodeMBP:~ leo$ 

    如果有些请求返回 Unable to download a software component... update attempt failed, aborting.这种错误。你可以检查下是否有开启VPN,如果有开启先关闭VPN再试下。

    lipengdeMBP:~ lipeng$ cd ~
    lipengdeMBP:~ lipeng$ mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/
    lipengdeMBP:~ lipeng$ /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter 
    [2017-06-20 00:27:02 CST] <main>  INFO: Transporter is searching for updated software components.
    [2017-06-20 00:27:13 CST] <main> DEBUG:   ... updated bundle successfully retrieved.
    [2017-06-20 00:28:16 CST] <main> DEBUG: Analyzing remote bundle resource com.apple.its.epubcheck-runner...
    [2017-06-20 00:30:05 CST] <main>  INFO: Unable to download a software component
    [2017-06-20 00:30:05 CST] <main> DEBUG:  ... update attempt failed, attempting retry.
    [2017-06-20 00:30:05 CST] <main>  INFO: Unable to download a software component
    [2017-06-20 00:30:05 CST] <main> DEBUG:  ... update attempt failed, aborting.
    [2017-06-20 00:30:05 CST] <main>  INFO: One or more software components could not be updated. This may cause reduced functionality. Please download and use the latest Transporter installer from iTunes Connect.
    leodeMBP:~ leo$



      本文标题:“Authenticating with the iTunes
