The Life and Times of SuTungpo
By Lin Yutang
A vivid personality is always an enigma . There had to be one Su Tungpo , but there could not be two .
Definitions of a personality
generally satisfy only those who make them . It would ) easy to pick out from the life
and character of a man with such a versatile talent and colorful life a conglomerate of the qualities that have endeared him to his readers .
A vivid personality is always an enigma .
诵读时要突出 vivid , personality 和 enigma 之间的
对比;重读 vivid ,且强调 vivid 时,作上扬处理
.vivid personality 后面要稍作停顿
强调 enigma ,且语调不要降下来,要稍微上扬. always 读得相对弱一些
There had to be one Su
Tungpo , but there could not
be two .
强调 had to ,分句中剩余部分弱化
强调情态动词 could not ,且 not 要比前面的 could
重读 two ,分句中剩余部分加速弱读
Definitions of a personality generally satisfy only those who make them .
在 definitions of a personality 之后作停顿. generally satisfy 之后再稍作小停顿.强调 only 和 make
It would be easy to pick out from the life and character
of a man with such a versatile talent and colorful life a conglomerate of the qualities that have endeared him to his readers.
强调助动词 would ,且 would 比 easy 读得更重一些 out 上扬、重读,且 pick out 后稍作停顿
上挑 from , the life and character of a man 语气、语调稍微偏低
强调单词 such ,重读 talent 和 life
上扬 conglomerate ,且音调比 qualities 高一些, qualities 后面稍作停顿
强调动词 endeared ,且在读完 endeared him 后稍作停顿