
作者: Gr_L | 来源:发表于2020-03-25 22:27 被阅读0次

班级:L3-A    姓名: Lusia    学号:20193000303

日期:2020/3/25    作业序号(Writing Assignment No.):002


题目:Many young people spend a lot of time on the internet without any parental supervision or control. What are some problems caused by unrestricted use of the internet?

One major problem is when they play the computer , it will bad for their health .Spinal disease or myopia is always a common disease .What’s more , if a teenager don’t have consciousness , it also bad for their study . Study is the most important task for teenagers . In this time , as long as they let down their guard, it will lead their study abnormality . Last but not least , it is okay to play computer occasionally ,but if a teenager use computer for a long time . This will reduce their communication with their parents and other people .(109words)


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