US President Donald Trump says he will withdraw the US from an Obama-era nuclear agreement with Iran.
以下两个词用来形容特朗普对该协议的态度更是绝笔,一个是衰退(decay), 一个是腐烂(rotten)。
Calling it "decaying and rotten", he(Trump) said the deal was "an embarrassment" to him "as a citizen".
欧洲其他国家看形势不好赶紧出来劝架,但发现老特不听( go against advice)。
Going against advice from European allies, he said he would reimpose economic sanctions that were waived when the deal was signed in 2015.
人抱怨起来一般都话很多,而且越来越气氛,话也越来越难听,以下同理:老特抱怨不止(complain), 他抹了一口嘴角的唾沫,说到,这破协议只能限制(only limit)伊朗一段时间;这破协议根本就不管事儿(fail to),人家弹道导弹依然发展挺好;还他妈还不算完,这破协议还给人家送钱,这跟大风刮来的有什么两样(windfall),这跟贿赂(slush fund)有什么两样!
Mr Trump had previously complained that the deal only limited Iran's nuclear activities for a fixed period; had failed to stop the development of ballistic missiles; and had handed Iran a $100bn (£74bn) windfall that it used "as a slush fund for weapons, terror, and oppression" across the Middle East.