情节:卢克被分在G15牢间,与杰森同享。卢克不想和杰森同住,便向女狱警朵恩请求换牢房,朵恩答应他jn'zv'da'nu'li [jin'zui'da'nu'li]
【卢克】:Oh, this seems to be a twin room[1], so who am I with...?

【杰森】:Oi-oi, Lulu!
【卢克】:Get off[2] me! And it's Luke!
【杰森】:Does Mr Grumpy[3] need a tickle[4]?

【卢克】:Which part of " I never want to see you henceforth[5] " did you not understand?
【杰森】:Henceforth. Are you still sulking about[6] that?
【卢克】:Oh, no! I'm absolutely thrilled[7] that you've managed to arrange me this two-year staycation[8] in this fucking bumatorium[9].
【杰森】:There he is[10]. There's that smile. Come on[11]! We're roomies! We're going to have the best cell in this joint[12]. The party cell. The Ministry of Lulu.
【卢克】:Still not my name.
【杰森】:Who can be bothered to say[13] Lu-u-uke? Anyways, Lulu, isn't this a great room? The two of us locked in[14] here together every single day. Just imagine the constant banter[15].
【卢克】:Go fuck yourself[16], Jason.
【杰森】:And we're off[17]! Right[18], sorry to talk admin[19], yeah, I've started drawing up[20] the wanking rota[21].

【卢克】:Just give me two ticks[22].
【杰森】:Shortgun Thursday morning!
【卢克】:You can't make me stay with him. He's two sandwiches[23] of a... twin pack of sandwiches.
【女狱警朵恩】:He described you as his " bezzie[24] ".
【卢克】:He's not my bezzie. He's my girlfriend's brother.
【女狱警朵恩】:Luke, it's not a Premier Inn[25]. I can't...

【卢克】:There must be someone else you can put me with. A child murderer, maybe. Vernon Kay[26].
【女狱警朵恩】:Don't get yourself into a little tizzy[27]. I'll do my best. Remember, head down[28].
【卢克】:Is that vomit[29]?
【女狱警朵恩】:I think it's actually spinal fluid[30]. OK.
【卢克】:Haven't you seen the rota?
【twin room】两张单人床的双人房,双人间,双床房。(注:double room:带一张双人床的房间,大床间) ↩
【get off sb】(尤用于告诉表人)别碰,走远点,离远点 ↩
【Mr Grumpy】英国作家及插图画家 Roger Hargreaves 创作的系列图书《Mr. Men》之第二十七本书《Mr. Grumpy》中的主人公, Mr Grumpy 在书中被描述为世界上最爱发脾气和报怨的人。 ↩
【tickle】n. 呵痒;胳肢;痒感 ↩
【henceforth】adv. 此后,从此以后 ↩
【sulk about(over sth)】(因...发脾气)生闷气,不搭理人 ↩
【thrilled】adj. 激动的,兴奋的 ↩
【staycation】n. 宅度假,居家度假,居家旅游,在本国度假,家中度假 ↩
【bumatorium】取自英国情景系列喜剧 《Benidorm》 一词的谐音。该剧讲述的是,在西班牙的一个沿海城镇,一群度假者之间,度假者与当地酒店员工之间、员工和员工之间的笑料故事。所以,bumatorium,不言而喻,指的是一个发生笑料的地方(即 “场景对话” 中的监狱)。一帮犯人到此地 “度假”(实际蹲大牢),犯人之间、犯人和狱警之间,狱警与狱警之间因摩擦而发生的一些笑料故事(仅供参考) ↩
【There he is】习语,根据语境,因卢克生杰森的气,后被杰森逗笑,卢克的气因此暂时消了。所以,此句的语义,相当于汉语的 “消气了”;“没事了”;“好了”。 ↩
【com on】惯用语,得了吧,算了吧;(表示鼓励)来吧;快点儿,加把劲 ↩
【joint】n. (北美)监狱 ↩
【can be bothered (to do sth)】不嫌麻烦(去做某事);不偷懒。<u>can't be bothered (to do sth)</u>: 嫌麻烦而不为;偷懒 ↩
【lock in】关禁;把...锁在屋里 ↩
【banter】n. (善意的)取笑,戏谑,打趣 ↩
【go fuck yourself】(粗俗语)滚你妈的蛋 ↩
【off】adv. 不值班,不工作,不上班 ↩
【right】adv. (用于引起注意或表示已经完成一件事情,接下来可以开始另一件事情)好的,对。(用于确认所说的话是否正确)对吗,是吗,对吧。(用于表示倾听某人的讲话并表示接受或理解)嗯,对,是 ↩
【talk admin】(talk something such as politics or sport)谈论(讨论)管理 ↩
【draw up】草拟,制定;把(椅子等)拉近,使接近 ↩
【wanking rota】wanking 一词为粗语。因为该狱中犯人都是男性,所以,wanking rota(值班表;值勤表;勤务簿) 为粗俗搞笑的说法,其语义即: 轮值计划安排表(仅供参考)。 ↩
【tick】n. 一瞬间,一刹那;(钟表的)嘀嗒声;钩号(√) ↩
【sandwich】n. 弱智,白痴,蠢人;三明治 ↩
【bezzie】n. (俚语)相当于 “best”,最好的人 ↩
【Premier Inn】英国的经济型连锁酒店和最大的酒店品牌 ↩
【Vernon Kay】现代押韵俚语,同 “gay” ↩
【tizzy】n. 紧张,慌张,慌乱 ↩
【head down】避免引人注意;避免危险;防止分心 ↩
【vomit】n. 呕吐,呕吐物 ↩
【spinal fluid】脊髓液 ↩