** 每一天薄荷阅读的时间,因为《心理学百科》,由原来的十几分钟,增加到一个多小时。
** 以前只是听音频,做一下课后练习题。群里老师发送的领读信息,有时来不及细看。
** 而现在,置身在心理学浩瀚的海洋里,觉得自己知道得太少太少了。
** 以下是关于睡眠的阅读笔记摘要,你是不是和我一样感同身受呢?
** 谈谈“睡眠”这件事儿
** 1027年波斯哲学家、医生阿维森纳(Avicenna,亦作Ibn Sina,c.980-1037)就在著作The Book of Healing中对“trances”这种现象进行了详述。但在阿维森纳的时代,引人恍惚入睡来治愈疾病的方法已不再风行。>> In 1027, the Persian physician Avicenna, writed about trances in The Book of Healing, documented the characteristics of the trance state, but its use as a healing therapy was largely abandoned until the German doctor Franz Mesmer reintroduced it in the 18th century.But its use as a healing therapywas largely abandoned(at that time).
** 在古埃及、古希腊时代
** 1779年德国医生弗朗兹·麦斯迈(Franz Mesmer, 1734-1815)出版著作《动物磁力发现录》,在其中,他用“动物磁力”来描述动物和非动物之间的能量转移。
** 动物磁力可以用来治疗疾病,而整套过程被称为“磁化”。进入磁化状态的患者进入trance状态,有时会经受抽搐,随后他们就觉得自己的身体情况得到了好转。>> Mesmer’s treatment involved manipulating the body’s natural, or “animal”, magnetism, through the use of magnets and suggestion. After being “mesmerized”, or “magnetized”, some people suffered a convulsion, after which they claimed to feel better.
** 磁化 mesmerization
** Franz Mesmer通过磁铁(通常运用于患者胃部附近)来使人恍惚入睡,他认为这样做可以让人的动物磁力回到均衡的状态。
Mesmer’s treatment involved manipulating the body’s natural, or “animal”, magnetism, through the use of magnets and suggestion. (见下图)
** 接着,学者们研究「睡眠」的兴趣愈发浓厚。其中Abbé Faria(1756-1819)这位葡萄牙属果阿天主教徒(Portugese-Goan monk,还记得第一天的介绍吗?)就延续Mesmer的脚步,成为了催眠研究的先驱。
** 二. Abbe Faria :Lucid Sleep 清醒的睡眠
>> “Nothing comes from the magnetizer; everything comes from the subject and takes place in his imagination. ”
– Abbé Faria
** 若干年后
葡属果阿修道士法利亚研究了Mesmer的作品,(法利亚表面继承了Mesmer的观点,但……)他认为后者所推崇的“磁力是引人恍惚入睡的关键”的观点完全是无稽之谈。A few years later, Abbé Faria, a Portugese-Goan monk, studied Mesmer’s work and concluded that it was “entirely absurd” to think that magnets were a vital part of the process.
** Faria指出人自身“暗示之力”才是进入恍惚睡眠状态的关键。在他的理论里,医师的角色被称为“集中者”,他负责引导入眠对象进入正确的入眠状态。The phenomena relied only upon the power of suggestion. Faria saw his role as a “concentrator”, helping his subject get into the right state of mind.
** Faria会选择一批天赋异禀的人。待对象们全部集中精神,想着入睡,Faria便如同念一句咒语一般命令:Dormez! (“睡吧!”该词为法语)在那之后,对象们就进入清醒睡眠状态了。After selecting subjects with the right aptitude, I ask them to relax in a chair, shut their eyes, concentrate their attention, and think about sleep. As they quietly await further instructions, I gently or commandingly say: ‘Dormez!’ and they fall into lucid sleep.
** Faria认为梦游(somnambulism = sleep walking)亦是清醒睡眠的一种。这一切被记录在Faria临终前的著作《论清醒睡眠的原因》(On the Cause of Lucid Sleep)之中。
** 1843年
** 在此之前,“催眠”一词还不存在。苏格兰外科医生James Braid(1795-1860)由Faria的研究得到启发,从而取希腊语中hypnos(sleep)和osis(condition)两词,组成了「hypnosis」。1843 Scottish surgeon James Braid coins the term “neuro-hypnotism” in Neurypnology.
** Braid认同Faria的观点,称催眠状态并非一种睡眠,而是人在贯注于一件事上之后,暗示性得到了提高。并且,Braid在《神经性睡眠》(Neurypnology)一书中,创造了“neuro-hypnotism”一词。Braid, from the Greek hypnos, meaning “sleep” and osis meaning “condition”. Braid concluded that hypnosis is not a type of sleep but a concentration on a single idea, resulting in heightened suggestibility
** 1880年代
** Braid去世后,催眠在学界的热度大大衰退,直至近1880年代,法国心理学家Emile Coué发现了“安慰剂效应”,并发表《有意识的自我暗示之下的自我控制》。After his death, interest in hypnosis largely waned until the 1880s French psychologist Emile Coué discovers the placebo effect and publishes Self-Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion.
** 安慰剂效应
** 指患者通过调整自己的期望、而非任何外界治疗使病情得到好转(an improvement in condition due to personal expectations, rather than the treatment itself)。关于安慰剂效应,学界至今有很多争议。相关研究还在持续进行。
** 19世纪中叶
** 法国神经学家Jean-Martin Charcot(1825-1893)开始系统性地使用催眠术作为一种创伤性癔病的治疗手段。French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot began to use hypnotism systematically in the treatment of traumatic hysteria.
** Charcot的研究激起了Josef Breuer和Sigmund Freud等人对催眠的研究热情,他们开始追问催眠背后的驱动力为何,由此发现了「潜意识(unconsciousness)」的力量。This brought hypnosis to the attention of Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud, who were to question the drive behind the hypnotic self, and discover the power of the unconscious.