
作者: KevinZucker | 来源:发表于2021-04-25 20:22 被阅读0次

Proletarians of the world, unite!       

Communist Party of China

With the development of the bourgeoisie, that is, capital, the proletariat, that is, the modern working class, has also been developed to the same extent. Modern workers survive only when they find work, and only when their labor multiplies capital.

These workers, who have to sell themselves piecemeal, are a commodity like any other good, and are therefore equally subject to all changes in competition, to all fluctuations of the market.

By the promotion of machinery and division of Labour, the Labour of the proletariat has lost any independent character, and therefore any attraction to the worker. The worker becomes a mere adjunct to the machine, and is required to perform the most simple, the most monotonous, and the most easily learned operations. Therefore, the expenditure on the worker is almost limited to the subsistence necessary for his maintenance and the continuation of his descendants. But the price of goods, and thus the price system of labor, is equal to the costs of its production. Therefore, the more repulsive the work, the less it is paid. Not only that, but the more machines spread and the more detailed the division of Labour became, the greater the amount of Labour, either through the extension of the working hours, or through the increase in the amount of Labour required in a given period of time, or the acceleration of the running of the machines, and so on.

Modern industry has transformed the small workshop of the paternalistic master into the great factory of the industrial capitalist. The masses of workers huddled in the factories were organized like soldiers. They were the rank-and-file members of the industrial army, under the watchful eye of soldiers and officers of all ranks. They are not merely slaves of the bourgeoisie, of the bourgeoisie state; they are enslaved every day and every hour by machines, by overseers and, above all, by the bourgeois themselves who run the factories. The more openly this system of monopoly proclaims profit as its end, the more contemptible, hateful, and odious it becomes.

The less skill and strength is required in the operation of the hand, in other words, the more modern industry grows, the more the male worker is marginalized by women and children. For the working class, differences in sex and age no longer have any social significance. They are just tools of Labour, but at different costs depending on age and sex.

As soon as the exploitation of the workers by the factory owners came to an end, and the workers received their wages in cash, they were attacked by another part of the bourgeoisie - landlords, shopkeepers, pawnbrokers, and so on.

The lower classes of the former middle class, the small industrialists, the merchants and the petty rentier, the artisans and the peasants-all these classes have descended into the ranks of the proletariat, partly because their small capital is not sufficient for the operation of great industry and cannot withstand the competition of the larger capitalists; Some are because their skills have been devalued by new methods of production. In this way the proletariat is supplemented by all the classes of the inhabitants.

The proletariat has gone through various stages of development. Its struggle against the bourgeoisie began at the same time as its existence.

First the individual worker, then the worker of a certain factory, then the worker of a certain department of labor in a certain place, fought against the individual capitalist who directly exploited them.

They attacked not only the bourgeois relations of production, but also the means of production itself; They destroyed competing foreign goods, destroyed machines and burned factories in an effort to restore the lost status of the medieval worker.




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