

作者: vico | 来源:发表于2020-03-26 16:19 被阅读0次

Where are you from?

Our parents, who had sex and bring us to this world. 

Who give us life and take care of us.

Who shape our minds and look after us.

Who are they to us?

What they have done to us?

What do they mean for us?

From the beginning of our childhood, long before entering the little society, preschool, or kindergarten, before we’ve been introduced to someone not relatively bond with us, before we’ve been forced to hang out with some total strangers.

Our parents, they are everything to us, they are all we had, they are our world.

So its normal for us to take in everything they said, to buy in every claims they made, to follow and cope everything they did.

We thought they’re always, that represent the truth, their emotions, their attitudes, their behaviors all must have a reason.

We don’t question them, it’s not we don’t have the capability of telling what’s right and wrong, rather we wouldn’t think twice for what they say to us.

The idea of question them feels intimidating itself.

We believe them automatically, because subconsciously we want to believe them.

Everything we do, we just want to please them, make them happy, make them proud,

Make them feel not regretting giving us life, the right to live with them.

Of course, we want them to like us, to accept us, to have faith in us.

Because the logic is this:

If they don’t like us, the world won’t like us either.

If they don’t accept us, the world would reject us either.

If they don’t have faith in us, no one else would ever trust us.

The feeling of one day they might abandon us, scared us to death.

But what we didn’t know, and they knew from the beginning,

is one day, one day, we will leaving them.

We may grow out of them, and we may realize what they said, did and react might be not suit us anymore, we may decide not to follow them and take the other way around.

It seems they’ve lost the control and impact on us.

It didn’t occur to us that for all those years, they’ve become one of those inner voice, they become part of us.

Every time we hesitated and paused, we questioned and reflected, like it or not, we hear them from inside of ourselves.


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