2020-05-25 每日英语片刻

2020-05-25 每日英语片刻

作者: 卷毛猪小姐 | 来源:发表于2020-05-25 22:58 被阅读0次

These days I am reading a book called 《Mixed Blessings》, which is telling about race problems mainly in Mexico. Still, there are some good sentences worthing studying, so I ll pick some out here. The words in black is from the book.

Magdalena was impeccably dressed in a white cotton sundress with comfortable shoes and a flowing wide-brim straw bonnet with a champagne-colored silk hatband.



wide brim 宽帽檐(brim 自然就是帽檐的意思了)

straw bonnet 草帽

hatband 帽带

In her well-appointed guesthouse, Kim was impressed not just by the obvious wealth of the family, but by the way the room was decorated. It was stocked with pieces of Hollywood memorabilia,……

这句话里面的 well-appointed 的意思是设备齐全,陈设讲究的意思,英文释义为 having all the necessary equipment; having comfortable and attractive furniture, etc.(来自Oxford Learners Dictionaries)。并不是想象中的 事先约好的意思哦。

The arid ranch was rejuvenated by a massive sprinkler system that transformed the dusty land into earth that could produce beautiful avocados, grapefruit, olives, and a host of vegetables.


arid  [ˈærɪd]  干旱的

rejuvenate  [rɪˈdʒuːvəneɪt] 英文释义为: to make sb/sth look or feel younger or more lively。使有活力。

 a host of  意思是很多的,后接可数名词复数。

Next to her was a well-groomed short woman with striking plain facial features wearing a pair of large unattractive yellow-wired glasses.


well-groomed  被小心照料的;梳洗得整洁的(.the bride and groom.) 新娘与新郎

striking /ˈstraɪkɪŋ/ 引人注目的 英文释义为 interesting and unusual enough to attract attention (来自Oxford Learners Dictionaries

plain face 相貌平平 

yellow-wired glasses.黄框眼镜



      本文标题:2020-05-25 每日英语片刻
