Chapter 3

作者: 蓬蓬豆的小马甲呀 | 来源:发表于2018-11-14 22:09 被阅读0次

That, the trivial cause of so many momentous happenings, was the one thing of which details evaded them. 

She had been a very happy person, always.

I am an optimistic person, always. 

He had been rather serious about it, even a little awed. 

You are what you are, always.

are going to grow up and matter to the world

had been afflicted with an acute desire为一个强烈的意愿所苦恼

depreciate 贬低,

depreciate oneself 自黑

日日在梦中 dream through the hours

so signal a service

He had for some reason been afflicted with an acute desire to depreciate himself and all his attainments. He had told her of his only mediocre degree, of his occasional difficulties of discipline, of the certainty that he would never get a promotion, and of his complete ineligibility to marry a young and ambitious girl. And at the end of it all she had laughed in answer.


and the school, if its opinion could have been taken, was probably against it too。幽默

establish oneself 受到承认,立足。

Boys come and go, new faces all the time, memories don't last.


And Kathie broadened his views and opinions, also, giving him an outlook far beyond the roofs and turrets of Brookfield. 



      本文标题:Chapter 3
