The Story of Philosophy的第63句:第1章Plato第1节The Context of Plato第3段第3句:
Look at the map a last time, and observe the position of Athens: it is the farthest east of the larger cities of Greece. It was favorably placed to be the door through which the Greeks passed out to the busy cities of Asia Minor, and through which those elder cities sent their luxuries and their culture to adolescent Greece. It had an admirable port, Piræus, where countless vessels might find a haven from the rough waters of the sea. And it had a great maritime fleet.
1、'It had an admirable port, Piræus, …’ 雅典是门户,Piræus港口是门户的门户。
admirable: deserving to be admired : very good
Getting children started at a young age is admirable.让孩子们在幼龄时期接受语言教育是极好的。
2、’...where countless vessels might find a haven from the rough waters of the sea.'
vessel: formal : a ship or large boat大船;轮船
a fishing/sailing vessel
haven:a place where you are protected from danger, trouble, etc.避难所,安息所;港口
This has long been a haven for dolphins because it has very little shipping.苏格兰东海岸长期以来都是海豚的避风港,因为那里的船运并不是很发达。
rough waters:惊涛骇浪
But bad weather and rough waters held them back.但恶劣的天气和波涛汹涌的海水阻碍了他们的前进。