
作者: 六六六六六六六六六 | 来源:发表于2017-10-25 17:23 被阅读0次

The structure of human is so strange. None of the theory gets the ability to explain even one person's emotions, behaviors, thoughts, or anything.

But they do help in the explaining process.


We never know what our life gonna give us. It might be personal, it might be useless for our goals, success or any meaningful things. It might be useless for anything of our life. But when it gets u, it arouses ur emotion.

It's vivid, it's kind of an answer, but it's...just a sudden figuring out. It might not be any useful for your real life in the society.

But it's there... and finally u know it by accident.

It might be meaningless...unless proved who u are. Or who u were?

Hopefully who u are.

Hopefully u don't need to get it anymore.


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