
作者: 如果我热爱性感的我 | 来源:发表于2019-07-26 21:30 被阅读1次

    Everything in the world comes from human behavior, human behavior comes from psychology, and human psychology changes according to the law of mechanics, so the evolution of the world can not escape the law of mechanics.

    Evolution of the world is a phenomenon of force acting in a region over a long period of time. There are three things in it, one is force, two is space and three is time. We can think of it as a mathematical ternary, the most prominent of which are cycloidal and spiral. The ancients said, "The Tao of Heaven circulates endlessly and never goes back and forth." Nowadays, people say, "Human history never repeats itself." If we combine the two theories, they will become cycloidal and spiral.

    Every man, whether in thought or in action, proceeds in a straight line according to the law of endeavor, but the result is a curve, not a straight line. What is the reason? Because as we move forward, we are pulled by other forces, and the two forces are equal, so we become round. The ancients said, "There is no end to circulation." Ring is circle, that is to say, the evolution of everything in the universe always follows a circle and rotates endlessly. This statement can be used as an example to illustrate that if we go straight ahead on the earth, east, west, north and south, without any deviation, the result will still be back to the original place, because we stand on the ground, are attracted by the geocentric force, and start to move forward, is to get rid of the geocentric force, but to move forward by the centrifugal force. And still sucked by the geocentric force. By the combination of centrifugal force and centripetal force, its route becomes circular, and returns to the original place, and goes several times, all of which are so-called "cycle without end". However, the evolution of the world is not circular, but cycloidal or helical.

    What is a cycloid? We take a copper dollar and roll it up on the table. The line of its circumference is a cycloid. Copper can roll, force, place, space, continuous roll, time. Copper coin rotates continuously and starts again and again, which is called "cycle without end". Its route, one volt at a time, and straight forward, is called "never repeat". The evolution of things in the universe often has this phenomenon. For example, in the past months, from winter to summer, the circulation is endless, which is for the purpose of "cycle without end". However, with the passage of days and months and the generation of heat and cold, the accumulation is tens of thousands of years. Although the cycle is endless, it is actually progressing, which is a cycloid evolution.

    Some people say, "The will of man is governed by matter." Others say, "Material is governed by man's will." Little do we know that matter and will are mutually reinforcing. After the invention of machinery in Europe, industry flourished and people's living conditions changed. Material dominated people's will, of course, but machinery was invented by human beings. Inventors tried their best to make machines come into being and industry developed. This is also human's will dominated material. This kind of statement is the same as that of hero creating the current situation and hero creating the current situation. Newton can only come into being when there are such subjects as physics and mathematics, and great changes have taken place when there are such subjects as Newton and physics and mathematics.

    With the salty and contemporary situation, Zeng and Leftist people were created; with Zeng and Leftist people, another situation was created, just like laying eggs and laying eggs, which seems to be twisting and twisting, but in fact, they are advancing constantly. The latter egg, the latter egg, the latter chicken, the former chicken, the material governs the will of man, the will of man, and the material. The current situation creates heroes, and the hero creates the current situation, and the world is evolving day by day. Eggs and hearts and things are two aspects of an object. There are no eggs outside the chicken, no chickens outside the egg, nothing outside the heart, and no intention outside the thing. The evolution of both is equivalent to a copper dollar rolling on the table, a bit like cycloidal evolution.

    We carefully study, that is, in the past months, cold and summer, laying eggs with chickens and laying eggs with chickens, this phenomenon is pure cycloidal evolution, because the sun and moon, cold and heat, chickens and eggs are always the same state, equal to a copper dollar state is always the same, its drawing line, together, and always the same. However, the situation created by heroes is more progressive than the situation created by heroes. Material and will, as well as the domination by turns, are also the progress of the latter. The longer it lasts, the more progressive social civilization is, and the more progressive the intelligence of politicians and scientists is, the less different its form is from cycloid, but it is the evolution of spiral line.

    What is a helix? We hold a right-angled triangular plate in our hand, and rotate it around a long side. The volume is a cone. If a conical drill is used to drill wood, the path taken by the drill is a spiral line. The deeper the vertical side is, the wider the horizontal side is, the world will evolve in this state. We take a piece of bamboo and draw a circle across it with a needle. This needle is in a straight line, but it always rotates in this circle, which is called "endless circulation". Assuming that when the needle is in progress, someone quietly drags the bamboo away, then the needle draws a line that can never coincide with the path it passes, which is called "never repeat". The process of needle is strength, the circle drawn is space, and its dragging is time. But the evolution of the world is not drawing on bamboo, but on bamboo shoots, but drawing circles from bamboo shoots. Some people hold bamboo shoot tips. The longer the line is drawn, the bigger the circle is drawn, because bamboo shoots are conical.

    Yuhui princes in Tushan, holding jade silk, three thousand countries in Tang Dynasty, one hundred and eighty countries in Zhou Wu, two hundred and forty countries in Spring and Autumn Period, and only seven countries in old China. By the time of Qin Shihuang, the world was unified. The phenomenon is that the longer it lasts, the smaller the number of countries and the larger their area. That is to say, the deeper the vertical aspect is, the wider the horizontal aspect is, which is spiral evolution. Vertical aspect, time; horizontal aspect, space. The situation of all countries in the five continents is absolutely similar to that of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in China. From the perspective of evolutionary trends, it will eventually end up in a global confusion. The difference is that in the past, in the era of monarchy, there was an emperor standing on it. Now it is the era of people as one sovereign. In the future, there will be 180,000 people working together as emperors in the world.

    The evolution of things in the universe is the result of the interaction of centrifugal force and centripetal force. One force is carried out in a straight line, while the other is restrained by the opposite force. It has to be in a cycloid or spiral state, alternating with the sun and the moon, alternating with cold and summer, and alternating with eggs. It does not involve the will of human beings, but follows the way of nature. Therefore, it follows the cycloidal evolution, consistently. Machines and the times are related to the will of human beings, while human nature strives for progress. Therefore, the longer the spiral evolution takes, the wider the route will be. International relations are all the functions of human will, so the spiral evolution will end when the whole world is mixed up. Human beings are striving for progress day by day, society is becoming increasingly civilized, the world is mixed, one of the ears of the progress of special civilization. After the global mixing, social civilization goes forward in a spiral way without termination, and its phenomena also change with each passing day. It moves forward in a cycloid way without termination.

    The ever-changing personnel are all generated by centrifugal and centripetal forces. Centrifugal forces develop outward, centripetal forces converge inward and develop to the pole, then converge, converge to the pole and then develop. That is what the ancients said, surplus and empty increase and decline, cycle without end. Taking emptiness as the starting point, developing from being to being is long, developing to pole is surplus, convergence to pole is disappearance, convergence to pole is empty, from being empty to being long, to being surplus, to disappearing, to being empty, is called "cycle without end". Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the phenomena of excess and deficiency. Spring is long, summer is full, autumn disappears and winter is empty. A Book of Changes and Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching both invented this theory, and the so-called "extreme things must be opposite". Therefore, things in the universe are both positive and negative forces, and each other's growth and decline. This ancients ruled the country, so there is a relaxation theory. In the early Han Dynasty, the abuse of lotus in Qin Dynasty was governed by Huang Lao, Liu Zhang was weak, and Kong Ming was governed by Shen Han, all of which conformed to this trend.

    According to our view of events from ancient to modern times, we can divide them into three periods: in terms of marriage system, in ancient times, men and women were mixed together, women were born, mothers were known but fathers were not known. At this time, the marriage system, centrifugal force is better than centripetal force, is for the first period. Later, the marriage system was established, and the marriage of children was presided over by their parents.

    Along with it, the centripetal force surpassed the centrifugal force for a lifetime, which was the second period. Now has entered the third period, a woman does not have to marry a man, and a man's love is enough to attract her, a man does not have to marry a woman, and a woman's love is enough to attract him, centrifugal and centripetal force, maintain balance, will become the third period of free marriage. This kind of marriage system is in a somewhat circular state. Many young people can't see this trend clearly. It would be a big mistake to think that they should return to the mixed state in ancient times.

    The people's freedom can also be divided into three periods. The people of ancient times, cave dwelling in the wild, is pure scattered sand, is for the first period. Later, subjected to the oppression of the monarch, speech and thought were extremely uncomfortable, which was for the second period. After a revolution, the balance between the power of government intervention and the power of people's freedom is for the third period. In terms of self-mechanics, centrifugal force is superior to centripetal force in the first period, centripetal force is superior to centripetal force in the second period, and centripetal force is superior to centripetal force in the third period to maintain balance.

    In the third period, there was freedom in the first period, and it was a bit of a whirling state. When Rousseau was at the end of the second period, he saw this trend and mistakenly thought that he should return to the first period. Therefore, his theory took the system of the first period as its basis, and returned to the primitive nature as its primary meaning. He said, "All things of nature are good. When they enter the hands of human beings, they become evil." Half of his doctrines are true and half are untrue. Because half of it was true, it was very popular at that time. Because half of it is untrue, the French Revolution carried out his doctrine, resulting in a great disturbance, which had to be interfered by the government until the interference of the government was balanced with the freedom of the people, so that France could be stable.

    The long popularity of democracy and the emergence of fascist dictatorship are the manifestations of the mutual growth and decline of positive and negative forces. Since Mussolini advocated fascism, Hitler and Japanese warlords have followed suit one after another, resulting in the Second World War. Their dictatorship has gone beyond the needs of the times. It can be asserted that such a dictatorship will soon collapse and another system will take its place. Such a system must be a combination of democratic and dictatorial principles.

    There are also three periods in which human beings distribute their wealth. In ancient times, the people were muddled like newborn children, ignorant of fraud and savings, only public misfortune and no personal private wealth. This was public and selfless, and it was for the first time. Re-evolution, the progress of human intelligence, selfishness, increasingly developed, the public money to private individuals, this is private but not public, for the second period. Re-evolution, human wisdom is more advanced, public and private boundaries, have a clear understanding, the public property to the society, private property to the individual, public and private parallel, is for the third period. We are now living in the end of the second period and the beginning of the third period. Regarding the economy, we should clearly divide the public and private sectors. Only when the public and private sectors are classified as public and private sectors can the society be at peace.

    In the past, China regarded itself as a state of declared cultural relics, believing that the system of Zhou Gong and the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius were excellent to the extreme, despising Western Europe and not worth looking at. This was the first period. Since the Jiawu and Gengzi campaigns, they suddenly lost their self-confidence, believing that none of the Western systems and doctrines were so bad as to despise China, which is not worth looking at. This is the second period. Up to now, it has entered the third period. It does not despise either the Western Ocean or China. It always investigates peacefully whether it is right or wrong. This is a compromise between the first period and the second period. At the beginning of our contacts with Europeans, our country was arrogant and thought it was higher than that of other countries. Since the two defeats, they have bowed their heads and surrendered themselves to the great powers. In the third period, China and the major powers stood on the line of equality, which was also a compromise between the first and second periods.

    In short, the evolution of the world is the mutual growth and decline of positive and negative forces. In a certain period, all kinds of phenomena are the same, just as cold weather is everywhere cold, hot weather is everywhere hot. Now imperialism is prevalent, and capitalism is also prevalent. Business circles also have automobile king, kerosene king, steel king, bank king and so on. There are self-exaggeration among nationalities and nationalities are the best nationalities, Germanic nation is the best nation, all of which are the remnants of the second period. As we enter the third period, imperialism and capitalism will be eliminated, and so will a certain king in the business circles and a certain excellent nation. This is an inevitable trend. Therefore, those who are in charge of the national plan must see clearly the world trend, and then, if they do not, they will be eliminated by nature.



