School scandal Faddish thinking

School scandal Faddish thinking

作者: 黑白书签 | 来源:发表于2024-07-20 17:57 被阅读0次


    Between 2018 and 2022 an average teenager in a rich country fell some six months behind their expected progress in reading and nine months behind in maths, according to the OECD这种数据都有,厉害的

    In America long-running test of maths and reading find that attainment peaked in the early 2010s. Since then, average performance there has gone sideways or backwards. 只在2010年达到顶峰,这都是14年前了


    外部因素影响:Migration has brought many newcomers who do not speak the language of instruction. Mobile phones distract,Many governments closed schools for too long,children lost the habit of studying新移民不会说英语,手机分心,疫情破坏了学生在学校学习的习惯(就算是成年人手机也会分心)

    政策制定者不作为:fixing schools wasonce a bipartisan issue. Others want homework and exams to be lightened or scrapped for the sake of pupils' mental health.不再是两党的重点,减负系列感觉不需要吧,有中国的娃作业重吗?书包都装不下,要用小行李箱去上学,可怕吧

    时髦思维误区:such as Al will make traditional learning less useful, so schools should nurture "problem-solvers", "critical thinkers" and students who work well in team.Scotland, have seen pupils grow less numerate and literate as a result.人工智能让传统学习变得不那么有用,结果很多学生读写能力下降,科技的两面性啊


    政策制定者关注基本原则:defend rigorous testing, suppress grade inflation and make room for schools, such as charters, that offer parents choice. They should pay competitive wages to hire the best teachers and defy unions to sack under-performers.捍卫严格的考试,支付有竞争力的工资来聘请最好的教师

    例子:Japanese pupils thrash their American peers in tests even though their average secondary classroom contains an extra ten desks日本学生击败美国同龄人

    政府应该收集和分享最有效的课程:Unions may prefer it when good teaching is seen as too mysterious to measure, but children suffer. 不要让工会决定

    例子:World-class school systems, such as Singapore’s experiment endlessly, fail quickly and move on. Others keep on doing what does not work新加坡竟然是世界一流学校系统!!!


    Well-trained minds will be needed to tackle complex challenges, from inequality to climate change.需要训练有素的头脑来应对从不平等到气候变化等复杂挑战

    H. G. Wells, a novelist and futurist, wrote that human history is a "race between education and catastrophe".It is a race societies cannot afford to lose.一场社会输不起的竞赛



        本文标题:School scandal Faddish thinking
