terms of commodity

terms of commodity

作者: 红云梦泽 | 来源:发表于2020-01-09 18:27 被阅读0次

The seller must deliver goods which are of the quantity, quality, and description required by the contract and which are contained or packaged in the manner required by the contract.

name of commodity

concerns the rights and obligations of the buyer and the seller

1.reserve the right

2.lodge a claim

3.cancel thee contract

sales by sample

sample: a small quantity of a product, often taken out from a whole lot or specially designed and processed that is given to encourage prospective customers to buy the product.

(arts and crafts, garments, light industrial products and agricultural native produce)

representative samples

sale by seller's sample

sale by buyer's sample

return sample 回样

counter sample 对等样品

approved sample 确认样品

reference sample(for promotions only)

elastic clause 弹性条款

Sales by Specification, Grade or Standard

F.A.Q(Fair Average Quality) 大路货

G.M.Q(Good Merchantable Quality) 精选货

National standard:

QS–Quality Safety

Sales by Brand or Trademark

reputation is sound

the place of origin of the product

Sales by Description, Drawing or Diagram

Machines, apparatus, instrument and complete sets of equipment

Calculation of Weight

Gross for net 以毛作净(few)价值不大,在合同中写清

By Gross Weight 毛重

Net Weight 净重

tare皮重: the weight of package

actual tare or real tare实际皮重: the actual weight of the package

average tare 平均皮重

customary tare 习惯皮重

computed tare 预定皮重

conditioned weight 公重 = 干净值+标志含水量(raw silk and wool 价值高,含水量不稳定)

theoretical weight 理论重量

more or less clause 溢短装条款

5% more or less at seller's option

packing of commodity

1.loading, unloading and stowage


3.prevent pilferage

4.promote sales

marking 唛头

types of packing

nude cargo 裸装

cargo in bulk 散装

Outer packing/ Gaint packing/ big packing

1.be solid, durable and adaptable

2. be uniform

3. least weight

baling: a canvas cover often cross-looped by metal or rope binding

suitable for paper, wool, hay, peat, cotton, carpets and rope

优点: cheap and effective

aid handling

缺点: affords limited protection to cargo

bags: for a wide variety of products including cement, fertilizer, flour, oil cakes, animal feeding products, chemicals

缺点: be subject to damage by water, sweat, leakages in case of paper bags breakage

优点: can be stacked on pallets(托盘) to facilitate handling

barrels, hogsheads and drums:for the conveyance of liquid or greasy cargoes.

缺点:1. the likelihood of leakage if the unit is not properly sealed

2.the possibility of the drums becoming rusty

优点: have a resale value

boxes, cases and metal-lined cases: used extensively, particularly in between deck tonnage and liner cargo type of service.

优点: 1.resale value

2.an aid to handling

3. be strengthened by the provision of battens and metal binding

缺点: expensive as the cost of timber has risen sharply in recent years

carboys, or glass container: for the carriage of acids and other dangerous liquids


may be constructed cardboard, strawboard or fiberboard

relatively inexpensive, expandable, and aids marketing, handling and stowage.

inner packing/ packing for sale/

small/immediate packing

for promotion

marking of goodsgoo

1.enable the customs authorities, the steamship clerks and the  importer to identify the packages en route or at the port of destination

2.the correct identification of the shipment

In marking and numbering packages it is essential that the mark(or symbol) and numbers conform in every respect to those written in the commercial invoice, the consular invoice 领事发票:证明商品原产地,原产地证明——关税, the bill of lading and the other shipping documents used.

marking is to stencil the marks on the outside of the package

shipping mark 装船标志(唛头)

consiss of the name of the consignee or shipper, destination and packaging number

name–initials or identity code, in order not to disclose the consignee's name, 防 pier competitors

additional mark/ side mark/supplementary mark 附加标志

according to the stipulations of the relative regulations or laws of the importing country,or upon request of the importer

be used in customs, entry or in assessing the freight.

indicative/warning mark 指示标志

keep Upright 不要倒置

keep in Hold (船舱)

Perishable 易烂

stow away from Boiler 切勿受热

Keep in Dark Place 避光

neutral packing 三无产品(假货) 出口第三国

Commodity Inspection and Customs Formalities

原因:1.the damage or shortage in transit because of the rough handling in loading and unloading

2.when not in conformity with the contract of sale, to find out who is the right party responsible for that

surveyor(not a person)

some of the surveyors are governmental organizations, others are run by individuals or trade associations.

quality, quantity, weight, packaging, marking , place of origin or damage

function as a foundation or basis on which the delivery and acceptance of the goods, the payment of the goods, or the claim and reimbursement for a loss is made between the seller and the buyer


make a declaration 申报

get samples

inspect the samples

issue the certification 签证

when and where inspection undergoes

shipping quality/Weight as Final 离岸品质作为最后依据

Landing quality/ Weight as Final 到岸品质

Inspection and Reinspection 检验和复检

is made at the port of shipment and the inspection certificate issued thereby serves as part of the documents to be presented for negotiation of the payment of the goods, and when the goods arrive at.the port of destination, the buyer is entitled to reinspect the goods.




    本文标题:terms of commodity
