Dear friends, do you have this feeling? You like English very much, you are very eager to express what you think to others, but sometimes the results are not satisfactory due to some reasons. I am always embarrassed to face such a dilemma.
Recently, I was fortunate to read the "Freshman readings in English", 西南联大英文课本which was a very good textbook during the Republic of China. But today,what I want to recommend to everyone is an article from it, called Self-cultivation of English learning,written by an English teacher of Harvard University. This article and the English learning articles we see often are very different. It has been analyzed in depth from speaking, writting, and method of thinking. Even I think it is helpful to improve our emotional intelligence . Some of the reasons for lack of expression are mentioned, such as insufficient vocabulary. For example, sometimes it is not enough courage. For example, if you don't feel the real feelings of others, you can't make an exact response, such as unfocused talking .
So how do we make this strange language better for us? I sum up the teaching of the author in these words
First,Look well to your speech
If someone is slovenly in his 99 cases of talking, He can seldom pull himself up to strength and exactitude in the hundredth case of writing.
Pay attention to three aspects in your discourse:accuracy, enough courage , and range
Secondly, "welcome every opportunity for writing"
A sentence must be compelled to say a single thing;
a paragraph, a single thing;
an essay, a single thing.
Each part is to be a preliminary whole,and the total a finished whole.
But the ability to construct one thing out of many / doesn't come by nature. It implies fecundity, restraint, an eye for effects, the forecast of finish while we are still working in the rough, obedience to the demands of development, and a deaf ear to whatever calls us into the bypaths of caprice;
in short, it implies that the good writer is to be an artist.
If a letter is to be written to a friend, a report to an employer, a communication to a newspaper. See that it has a beginning, a middle ,and an end.
Thirdly,“Remember the other person”
Actully,Every utterance really concerns two. It's aim is social. Its object is communication.
Don't become absorbed in yourself. Your interest cover only the half of any piece of writing; the other man's less visible half is necessary to complete yours.
Fourthly,“Lean upon your subject”
“All depends upon the subject;. choose a fitting action, penetrate yourself with the feeling of its situations ; this done, everything else will follow.”
Fifthly,It is that we should do the work ,and not think about it
Do it day by day and not grow weary in bad doing.Early and often we must be busy,and be satisfied to have a great deal of labor produce but a small result.
Most of us catch better than we learn. We take up unconsciously from our surroundings what we cannot altogether create. All this should be remembered, and we should keep ourselves exposed to the wholesome words of our fellow-men.
But you can't think that your efforts are less important.
Finally, I quote the author's words to make a summary.
If we are watchful of our speech,making our words continually more minutely true, free, and resourceful;
if we look upon our occasions of writing as opportunities for the deliberate work of unified construction;
if in all our utterances we think of him who hears as well as of him who speaks;
and above all, if we fix the attention of ourselves and our hearers on the matter we talk about and so let ourselves be supported by our subject,
——we shall make a daily advance not only in English study, but in personal power, in general serviceableness, and in consequent delight.