
作者: 正_文 | 来源:发表于2022-09-23 11:01 被阅读0次

泛型Swift 最强大的特性之一,oc转Swift的需要重点学习一下。
① 泛型代码能根据所定义的要求写出可以用于任何类型的灵活的、可复用的函数。可以编写出可复用、意图表达清晰、抽象的代码。
② 泛型是Swift最强大的特性之一,很多Swift标准库是基于泛型代码构建的。如,Swift 的ArrayDictionary类型都是泛型集合;你也可以创建一个容纳 Int值的数组,或者容纳 String 值的数组,甚至容纳任何 Swift 可以创建的其他类型的数组。同样,可以创建一个存储任何指定类型值的字典,而且类型没有限制。
③ 泛型所解决的问题:代码的复用性和抽象能力。比如,交换两个值,这里的值可以是IntDoubleString

func swap<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T){
    let tmp = a
    a = b
    b = tmp



1.1 类型约束


func test<T: Equatable>(_ a: T, _ b: T)->Bool{
    return a == b
1.2 关联类型



struct LLStack {
    private var items = [Int]()
    mutating func push(_ item: Int){
    mutating func pop() -> Int?{
        if items.isEmpty {
            return nil
        return items.removeLast()

该结构体中有个成员Item,是个只能存储Int类型的数组,如果想使用其他类型呢? 可以通过协议来实现 :

protocol LLStackProtocol {
    associatedtype Item
struct LLStack: LLStackProtocol{
    typealias Item = Int
    private var items = [Item]()
    mutating func push(_ item: Item){
    mutating func pop() -> Item?{
        if items.isEmpty {
            return nil
        return items.removeLast()


struct LLStack<Element> {
    private var items = [Element]()
    mutating func push(_ item: Element){
    mutating func pop() -> Element?{
        if items.isEmpty {
            return nil
        return items.removeLast()


2.3 Where语句


protocol LLStackProtocol {
    associatedtype Item
    var itemCount: Int {get}
    mutating func pop() -> Item?
    func index(of index: Int) -> Item
struct LLStack: LLStackProtocol{
    typealias Item = Int
    private var items = [Item]()
    var itemCount: Int{
            return items.count

    mutating func push(_ item: Item){

    mutating func pop() -> Item?{
        if items.isEmpty {
            return nil
        return items.removeLast()
    func index(of index: Int) -> Item {
        return items[index]
 - T1.Item == T2.Item 表示T1和T2中的类型必须相等
 - T1.Item: Equatable 表示T1的类型必须遵循Equatable协议,意味着T2也要遵循Equatable协议
func compare<T1: LLStackProtocol, T2: LLStackProtocol>(_ stack1: T1, _ stack2: T2) 
-> Bool where T1.Item == T2.Item, T1.Item: Equatable{
    guard stack1.itemCount == stack2.itemCount else {
        return false
    for i in 0..<stack1.itemCount {
        if stack1.index(of: i) !=  stack2.index(of: i){
            return false
    return true


extension LLStackProtocol where Item: Equatable{}


extension LLStackProtocol where Item == Int{
    func test(){
var s = LGStack()



func testGenric<T>(_ value: T) -> T{
    let tmp = value
    return tmp

class Teacher {
    var age: Int = 18
    var name: String = "Kody"

testGenric((10, 20))


问题? 泛型是如何区分不同的参数,来管理不同类型的内存呢?

查看SIL代码,并没有什么内存相关的信息。查看IR代码,从中可以得出VWT中存放的是 size(大小)alignment(对齐方式)stride(步长)destorycopy(函数)

2.1 VWT


/// A value-witness table.  A value witness table is built around
/// the requirements of some specific type.  The information in
/// a value-witness table is intended to be sufficient to lay out
/// and manipulate values of an arbitrary type.
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetValueWitnessTable {
  // For the meaning of all of these witnesses, consult the comments
  // on their associated typedefs, above.

  typename TargetValueWitnessTypes<Runtime>::LOWER_ID LOWER_ID;
  typename TargetValueWitnessTypes<Runtime>::LOWER_ID LOWER_ID;

#include "swift/ABI/ValueWitness.def"

  using StoredSize = typename Runtime::StoredSize;

  /// Is the external type layout of this type incomplete?
  bool isIncomplete() const {
    return flags.isIncomplete();

  /// Would values of a type with the given layout requirements be
  /// allocated inline?
  static bool isValueInline(bool isBitwiseTakable, StoredSize size,
                            StoredSize alignment) {
    return (isBitwiseTakable && size <= sizeof(TargetValueBuffer<Runtime>) &&
            alignment <= alignof(TargetValueBuffer<Runtime>));

  /// Are values of this type allocated inline?
  bool isValueInline() const {
    return flags.isInlineStorage();

  /// Is this type POD?
  bool isPOD() const {
    return flags.isPOD();

  /// Is this type bitwise-takable?
  bool isBitwiseTakable() const {
    return flags.isBitwiseTakable();

  /// Return the size of this type.  Unlike in C, this has not been
  /// padded up to the alignment; that value is maintained as
  /// 'stride'.
  StoredSize getSize() const {
    return size;

  /// Return the stride of this type.  This is the size rounded up to
  /// be a multiple of the alignment.
  StoredSize getStride() const {
    return stride;

  /// Return the alignment required by this type, in bytes.
  StoredSize getAlignment() const {
    return flags.getAlignment();

  /// The alignment mask of this type.  An offset may be rounded up to
  /// the required alignment by adding this mask and masking by its
  /// bit-negation.
  /// For example, if the type needs to be 8-byte aligned, the value
  /// of this witness is 0x7.
  StoredSize getAlignmentMask() const {
    return flags.getAlignmentMask();
  /// The number of extra inhabitants, that is, bit patterns that do not form
  /// valid values of the type, in this type's binary representation.
  unsigned getNumExtraInhabitants() const {
    return extraInhabitantCount;

  /// Assert that this value witness table is an enum value witness table
  /// and return it as such.
  /// This has an awful name because it's supposed to be internal to
  /// this file.  Code outside this file should use LLVM's cast/dyn_cast.
  /// We don't want to use those here because we need to avoid accidentally
  /// introducing ABI dependencies on LLVM structures.
  const struct EnumValueWitnessTable *_asEVWT() const;

  /// Get the type layout record within this value witness table.
  const TypeLayout *getTypeLayout() const {
    return reinterpret_cast<const TypeLayout *>(&size);

  /// Check whether this metadata is complete.
  bool checkIsComplete() const;

  /// "Publish" the layout of this type to other threads.  All other stores
  /// to the value witness table (including its extended header) should have
  /// happened before this is called.
  void publishLayout(const TypeLayout &layout);

VWT中存放的是 size(大小)、alignment(对齐方式)、stride(步长),大致结构图:





func makeIncrement() -> (Int) -> Int{
    var runningTotal = 10
    return {
        runningTotal += $0
        return runningTotal

func testGenric<T>(_ value: T){}

//m中存储的是一个结构体:{i8*, swift type *}
let m = makeIncrement()


define i32 @main(i32 %0, i8** %1) #0 {
  %2 = alloca %swift.function, align 8
  %3 = bitcast i8** %1 to i8*
  ; s4main13makeIncrementS2icyF 调用makeIncrement函数,返回一个结构体 {函数调用地址, 捕获值的内存地址}
  %4 = call swiftcc { i8*, %swift.refcounted* } @"$s4main13makeIncrementS2icyF"()
     ; 闭包表达式的地址
  %5 = extractvalue { i8*, %swift.refcounted* } %4, 0
     ; 捕获值的引用类型
  %6 = extractvalue { i8*, %swift.refcounted* } %4, 1
  ; 往m变量地址中存值
    ; 将 %5 存入 swift.function*结构体中(%swift.function = type { i8*, %swift.refcounted* })
    ; s4main1myS2icvp ==>  main.m : (Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int,即全局变量 m
  store i8* %5, i8** getelementptr inbounds (%swift.function, %swift.function* @"$s4main1myS2icvp", i32 0, i32 0), align 8
  ; 将值放入 f 这个变量中,并强转为指针
  store %swift.refcounted* %6, %swift.refcounted** getelementptr inbounds (%swift.function, %swift.function* @"$s4main1myS2icvp", i32 0, i32 1), align 8
    ; 将%2 强转为 i8*(即 void*)
  %7 = bitcast %swift.function* %2 to i8*
  call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 16, i8* %7)
  ; 取出 function中 闭包表达式的地址
  %8 = load i8*, i8** getelementptr inbounds (%swift.function, %swift.function* @"$s4main1myS2icvp", i32 0, i32 0), align 8
  %9 = load %swift.refcounted*, %swift.refcounted** getelementptr inbounds (%swift.function, %swift.function* @"$s4main1myS2icvp", i32 0, i32 1), align 8
  ; 将返回的闭包表达式 当做一个参数传入 方法,所以 retainCount+1
  %10 = call %swift.refcounted* @swift_retain(%swift.refcounted* returned %9) #2
  ; 创建了一个对象,存储了 <{ %swift.refcounted, %swift.function }>*
  %11 = call noalias %swift.refcounted* @swift_allocObject(%swift.type* getelementptr inbounds (%swift.full_boxmetadata, %swift.full_boxmetadata* @metadata, i32 0, i32 2), i64 32, i64 7) #2
  ; 将 %swift.refcounted* %11 强转成了一个结构体类型
  %12 = bitcast %swift.refcounted* %11 to <{ %swift.refcounted, %swift.function }>*
  ; 取出 %swift.function (最终的结果就是往 <{ %swift.refcounted, %swift.function }> 的%swift.function 中存值 ==> 做了间接的转换与传递) 
  %13 = getelementptr inbounds <{ %swift.refcounted, %swift.function }>, <{ %swift.refcounted, %swift.function }>* %12, i32 0, i32 1
  ; 取出 <i8*, %swift.function>的首地址
  %.fn = getelementptr inbounds %swift.function, %swift.function* %13, i32 0, i32 0
  ; 将 i8* 放入 i8** %.fn 中(即创建的数据结构 <{ %swift.refcounted, %swift.function }> 的 %swift.function 中)
  store i8* %8, i8** %.fn, align 8
  %.data = getelementptr inbounds %swift.function, %swift.function* %13, i32 0, i32 1
  store %swift.refcounted* %9, %swift.refcounted** %.data, align 8
  %.fn1 = getelementptr inbounds %swift.function, %swift.function* %2, i32 0, i32 0
  ; 将 %swift.refcounted 存入 %swift.function 中
  store i8* bitcast (void (%TSi*, %TSi*, %swift.refcounted*)* @"$sS2iIegyd_S2iIegnr_TRTA" to i8*), i8** %.fn1, align 8
  %.data2 = getelementptr inbounds %swift.function, %swift.function* %2, i32 0, i32 1
  store %swift.refcounted* %11, %swift.refcounted** %.data2, align 8
  ; 将%2强转成了 %swift.opaque* 类型,其中 %2 就是  %swift.function内存空间,即存储的东西(函数地址 + 捕获值地址)
  %14 = bitcast %swift.function* %2 to %swift.opaque*
  ; sS2icMD ==> demangling cache variable for type metadata for (Swift.Int) -> Swift.Int 即函数的metadata
  %15 = call %swift.type* @__swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName({ i32, i32 }* @"$sS2icMD") #9
  ; 调用 testGenric 函数
  call swiftcc void @"$s4main10testGenricyyxlF"(%swift.opaque* noalias nocapture %14, %swift.type* %15)


struct HeapObject {
    var type: UnsafeRawPointer
    var refCount1: UInt32
    var refCount2: UInt32
struct FunctionData<T> {
    var ptr: UnsafeRawPointer
    var captureValue: UnsafePointer<T>
struct Box<T> {
    var refCounted: HeapObject
    var value: T
struct GenData<T> {
    var ref: HeapObject
    var function: FunctionData<T>

func makeIncrement() -> (Int) -> Int{
    var runningTotal = 10
    return {
        runningTotal += $0
        return runningTotal

func testGenric<T>(_ value: T){
    let ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.allocate(capacity: 1)
    ptr.initialize(to: value)
     - 将 %13的值给了 %2即 %swift.function*
     %13 = getelementptr inbounds <{ %swift.refcounted, %swift.function }>, <{ %swift.refcounted, %swift.function }>* %12, i32 0, i32 1
     - 调用方法 %14 -> %2
     %14 = bitcast %swift.function* %2 to %swift.opaque*
     call swiftcc void @"$s4main10testGenricyyxlF"(%swift.opaque* noalias nocapture %14, %swift.type* %15)
    let ctx = ptr.withMemoryRebound(to: FunctionData<GenData<Box<Int>>>.self, capacity: 1) {

//m中存储的是一个结构体:{i8*, swift type *}
let m = makeIncrement()



  • 泛型主要用于解决代码的抽象能力,以及提升代码的复用性
  • 如果一个泛型遵循了某个协议,则在使用时,要求具体的类型也是必须遵循某个协议的;
  • 在定义协议时,可以使用关联类型给协议中用到的类型起一个占位符名称;
  • where语句主要用于表明泛型需要满足的条件,即限制形式参数的要求
  1. 泛型类型使用VWT进行内存管理(即通过VWT区分不同类型),VWT由编译器生成,其存储了该类型的sizealignment以及针对该类型的基本内存操作
    1.1 当对泛型类型进行内存操作时(例如:内存拷贝)时,最终会调用对应泛型的VWT中的基本内存操作;
    1.2 泛型类型不同,其对应的VWT也不同;
  2. 对于泛型函数来说,有以下几种情况:
    2.1 传入的是一个值类型,例如,Integer:该类型的copymove操作会进行内存拷贝destory操作则不进行任何操作;
    2.1 传入的是一个引用类型,如class:该类型的copy操作会对引用计数+1move操作会拷贝指针,而不会更新引用计数destory操作会对引用计数-1
  3. 如果泛型函数传入的是一个函数,在传递过程中,会做一层包装,简单来说,就是不会直接将函数的函数值+type给泛型函数,而是做了一层抽象,主要是用于解决不同类型的传递问题


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