
作者: bb3170d9a3d4 | 来源:发表于2020-05-15 20:50 被阅读0次

What’s the most important for our author? I don’t think there is anything more important than literary quality.
So what’s the literary quality? I think it’s not only the quality of literary ,but also the quality of author’s morality. If the author have bad morality , do you want to reading what is he or she wrote? Wang Jing-Wei wrote well in calligraphy , but no one following him.

For our author, I think all of us should have three quality , it is very necessary.
First of all, “no investigation, no right to speak”. It is decent important quality. “Wuhan diary”, made from Fang Fang, which is full of mistake, gossip and panic. The writer only stayed in the house , and watched her mobile phone all day during the quarantine. And criticize the government again and again . Why I say it is full of mistake ? The first mistake is the title of the book, obviously , this book only is the writer’s perspective, so why you write the book is “Wuhan diary”? Why I say it is full of gossip, because no investigation during this book’s production, all of us know when the virous first broke out in Wuhan , our internet is full of rumors. Why can she spread information unverified on the internet and arouse public fear? This is why I say it is full of panic.
I spend three days to read, I can feel the only she want is “claim responsibility”. the mayor of Wuhan, health officials and the governor of Hubei province ,all of them were dismissed. So what do you want more? What’s your real purpose? Do you really think this writer defend people against an injustice? Why did it take one half a month for the book to be published and translated, while another famous Chinese writer(more famous and popular than Fang fang in China), Liu Cixin ,took six years to publish The Three-Body Problem?
In a nutshell, do you want to see Wuhan to be next Hong Kong?

Second ,“Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth”.During this Covid-19, all of us have seen the superiority of our system. Most of scientists、doctors,even the senior officials at the world health organization, all of them are very surprised and praise again and again. But Fang fang ,she didn’t see that, she stand with western politicians, criticize our country system again and again. So what is your conscience? Yes ,China have more problems(In this world ,which country can say they have no problems?), but have you seen the light of China?

The last one , is the “modesty”. I think this quality will help us to correct the mistakes. But someone don’t like that , they always think they are always in the right way. During the internet investigation , most of people don’t like the “Wuhan diary”, and give many well-meaning advice to the writer, but the writer looks very angry .
How funny and irony! She was president of the writers’ association in China.



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