

作者: 俗人特福 | 来源:发表于2018-09-07 21:37 被阅读0次

TOPIC for  next meeting of golden time toastmaster club.

The first  lesson

Last week there was a hot news about the first lesson. All of the primary pupils and their parents were waiting to watch the program on 1st Sep night. But it was delayed for 15 mins. What’seven worse , The TV station used this time to advertise. As we all know, the program was forced to be watched by the Ministry of Education. So There's a lot of criticism on the Internet the next day.

Actually, at the same time there was a very inspiring basketball game playing. the red Chinese team was fighting against Iran team for the champion of the Asian Games。The Chinese young players showed a very wonderful game for the audience. But many fans have missed this game because they needed to watch the program.

The famous sport  journalist Suqun wrote on his we-chat:    

It is better to call on everyone to watch the game than to watch the program. After watching the game, we can learn more and have a more real feeling. And the first lesson we learned was not from a show, not from a game. It comes from our own experiences and lives.

Yes ,I agree with him very much.

We learn the first lesson about love when we fall in love with someone.

We learn the first lesson about failure when we screwed something up.

We learn the first lesson about separation when we lose someone.

we can feel it and think about it only when we have experienced it, and then we can really learn from it.

This week let talk about your first lesson, what have you ever experienced ,what you have learned your first lesson about love\family or anything else. We are waiting for you to share your story sincerely!


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