A-Z:as … as …

作者: Mocatime | 来源:发表于2020-04-07 23:29 被阅读0次

A:as easy as ABC 极其容易

as black as ashes 黑如灰烬

as straight as an arrow

B:as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌

as blind as a bat 有眼无珠;鼠目寸光

as bold as brass 厚颜无耻

as bright as a button 光泽鉴人

as sound as a bell

C:as weak as a cat 意志薄弱

as happy as a clam 心满意足

as black as a cow 黑如乌鸦

as black as a coal 黑如煤炭,鼻青脸肿

as lively as a cricket 极活泼(像蟋蟀一样活泼

D:as stupid as a donkey 蠢笨如驴

as plain as daylight (day)显而易见,一清二楚

as dead as a dodo毫无生气

as sick as a dog

E:as fat as elephant 胖如大象

as bald as an eagle像鹰一样秃

as slippery as an eel狡猾异常

F:as light as feather 轻如鸿毛

as welcome as flower in May 久旱逢甘露,雪中送炭

as sly as a fox像狐狸一样狡猾

as pretty as a flower 如花似玉

G:as green as a gooseberry 初出茅庐

as silly as a goose 笨如蠢鹅

as tall as a giraffe长颈鹿一样高

as still as the grave

H: as fast as hare 快如闪电

as hungry as a hunter 饥肠辘辘

as strong as horse 力大如牛

as sweet as honey 甜如蜜糖

as mad as a hatter 大发雷霆

as mad as a wet hen 非常生气


J:as black as jet 乌黑发亮的

as sober as a judge 十分清醒

K:as happy as a King 快乐似神仙

L:as brave as a lion 勇猛如狮

as happy as a lark 兴高采烈

as heavy as lead

Innocent as a lamb. 像羔羊一般纯洁

M:as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗

as stubborn as a mule 倔强如驴

as hard as the nether millstone 铁石心肠

as wise as solo man 聪明过人

as sharp as a marble

as common as muck 举止粗俗

N:as black as night 漆黑一片

O:as strong as an ox 强壮如牛

as dumb as an ox像公牛一般沉默

P:as proud as a peacock 傲如孔雀

as vain as a peacock 虚荣自负

as pretty as a picture 美丽如画

as easy as pie 小事一桩 ; 易如反掌

as black as pitch 漆黑的

as stiff as a poker 异常僵硬

as smart as a new pin 非常漂亮


R:as sharp as a razor

as snug as a bug in a rug 十分舒适

S:as white as a sheet 面如死灰

as ture as steel 绝对可靠

as ugly as the sin 奇丑无比

as white as snow 洁白如雪

as black as Styx 阴森漆黑

as slow as a snail

T: as black as thunder 脸色阴沉 ; 面带怒容

as sharp as a tack

as rare as hens’ teeth 凤毛麟角


V:as sour as vinegar

W:as hungry as a wolf 犹如饿狼

as weak as water 弱不经风

as wise as an owl






    本文标题:A-Z:as … as …
