销售又分To C 和 To B 两种。
TO B 更多是去搞关系。搞定对方需求,做客情关系。
更多的是注重利益和价值。个人力量和价值有限,对结果影响存在,但绝非我们个人认为的那样大,所以,To B的生意,特别是非竞标,投标类生意,较难搞/也难做。
To C 更有发展空间,有更多可施展空间,特别是做个人IP,品牌,做产品去叠代优化,去引流,转化,实现盈利。这是后信息时代更适合我们个人。
I often observe people making decisions if their odds of being right are greater than 50 percent. What they fail to see is how much better off they’d be if they raised their chances even more (you can almost always improve your odds of being right by doing things that will give you more information). The expected value gain from raising the probability of being right from 51 percent to 85 percent (i.e., by 34 percentage points) is seventeen times more than raising the odds of being right from 49 percent (which is probably wrong) to 51 percent (which is only a little more likely to be right). Think of the probability as a measure of how often you’re likely to be wrong. Raising the probability of being right by 34 percentage points means that a third of your bets will switch from losses to wins. That’s why it pays to stress-test your thinking, even when you’re pretty sure you’re right.
You can significantly improve your track record if you only make the bets that you are most confident will pay off.