

作者: 王金松 | 来源:发表于2019-07-22 14:19 被阅读0次


  1. 创建数据集转化工具类,把csv数据集转化为RDD数据结构
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, Vectors}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

object FeaturesParser{
  def parseFeatures(rawdata: RDD[String]): RDD[Vector] = {
    val rdd: RDD[Array[Double]] = rawdata.map(_.split(",").map(_.toDouble))
    val vectors: RDD[Vector] = rdd.map(arrDouble => Vectors.dense(arrDouble))

  def parseFeaturesWithLabel(cvData: RDD[String]): RDD[LabeledPoint] = {
    val rdd: RDD[Array[Double]] = cvData.map(_.split(",").map(_.toDouble))
    val labeledPoints = rdd.map(arrDouble => new LabeledPoint(arrDouble(0), Vectors.dense(arrDouble.slice(1, arrDouble.length))))
  1. 创建异常检测工具类,主要是预测是否为异常点
object AnomalyDetection {

    * True if the given point is an anomaly, false otherwise
    * @param point
    * @param means
    * @param variances
    * @param epsilon
    * @return
  def predict (point: Vector, means: Vector, variances: Vector, epsilon: Double): Boolean = {
    println("-->v1"+probFunction(point, means, variances))
    probFunction(point, means, variances) < epsilon

  def probFunction(point: Vector, means: Vector, variances: Vector): Double = {
    val tripletByFeature: List[(Double, Double, Double)] = (point.toArray, means.toArray, variances.toArray).zipped.toList
    tripletByFeature.map { triplet =>
      val x = triplet._1
      val mean = triplet._2
      val variance = triplet._3
      val expValue = Math.pow(Math.E, -0.5 * Math.pow(x - mean,2) / variance)
      (1.0 / (Math.sqrt(variance) * Math.sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI))) * expValue
  1. 异常检测模型类
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

class AnomalyDetectionModel(means2: Vector, variances2: Vector, epsilon2: Double) extends java.io.Serializable{
   var means: Vector = means2
   var variances: Vector = variances2
   var epsilon: Double = epsilon2

   def predict(point: Vector) : Boolean ={
      AnomalyDetection.predict(point, means, variances, epsilon)
   def predict(points: RDD[Vector]): RDD[(Vector, Boolean)] = {
    points.map(p => (p,AnomalyDetection.predict(p, means, variances, epsilon)))
  1. 包括启动异常检测模型,优化参数,输出评价指标等函数功能(注意序列化Serializable )
import org.apache.spark.Logging
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg._
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
import org.apache.spark.mllib.stat.{MultivariateStatisticalSummary, Statistics}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

  * Anomaly Detection algorithm
class AnomalyDetection extends java.io.Serializable with Logging {

  val default_epsilon: Double = 0.01

  def run(data: RDD[Vector]): AnomalyDetectionModel = {
    val sc = data.sparkContext

    val stats: MultivariateStatisticalSummary = Statistics.colStats(data)
    val mean: Vector = stats.mean
    val variances: Vector = stats.variance
    logInfo("MEAN %s VARIANCE %s".format(mean, variances))
    // println(s"--> MEAN VARIANCE$mean,$variances")
    println("--> MEAN VARIANCE"+mean+variances)
    new AnomalyDetectionModel(mean, variances, default_epsilon)

    * Uses the labeled input points to optimize the epsilon parameter by finding the best F1 Score
    * @param crossValData
    * @param anomalyDetectionModel
    * @return
  def optimize(crossValData: RDD[LabeledPoint], anomalyDetectionModel: AnomalyDetectionModel) = {
    val sc = crossValData.sparkContext
    val bcMean = sc.broadcast(anomalyDetectionModel.means)
    val bcVar = sc.broadcast(anomalyDetectionModel.variances)

    //compute probability density function for each example in the cross validation set
    val probsCV: RDD[Double] = crossValData.map(labeledpoint =>
      AnomalyDetection.probFunction(labeledpoint.features, bcMean.value, bcVar.value)

    //select epsilon
    val epsilonWithF1Score: (Double, Double) = evaluate(crossValData, probsCV)

    logInfo("Best epsilon %s F1 score %s".format(epsilonWithF1Score._1, epsilonWithF1Score._2))
    new AnomalyDetectionModel(anomalyDetectionModel.means, anomalyDetectionModel.variances, epsilonWithF1Score._1)

    *  Finds the best threshold to use for selecting outliers based on the results from a validation set and the ground truth.
    * @param crossValData labeled data
    * @param probsCV probability density function as calculated for the labeled data
    * @return Epsilon and the F1 score
  private def evaluate(crossValData: RDD[LabeledPoint], probsCV: RDD[Double]) = {

    val minPval: Double = probsCV.min()
    val maxPval: Double = probsCV.max()
    logInfo("minPVal: %s, maxPVal %s".format(minPval, maxPval))
    val sc = probsCV.sparkContext

    var bestEpsilon = 0D
    var bestF1 = 0D

    val stepsize = (maxPval - minPval) / 1000.0

    //find best F1 for different epsilons
    for (epsilon <- minPval to maxPval by stepsize){

      val bcepsilon = sc.broadcast(epsilon)

      val ourPredictions: RDD[Double] = probsCV.map{ prob =>
        if (prob < bcepsilon.value)
          1.0 //anomaly
      val labelAndPredictions: RDD[(Double, Double)] = crossValData.map(_.label).zip(ourPredictions)
      val labelWithPredictionCached: RDD[(Double, Double)] = labelAndPredictions

      val falsePositives = countStatisticalMeasure(labelWithPredictionCached, 0.0, 1.0)
      val truePositives = countStatisticalMeasure(labelWithPredictionCached, 1.0, 1.0)
      val falseNegatives = countStatisticalMeasure(labelWithPredictionCached, 1.0, 0.0)

      val precision = truePositives / Math.max(1.0, truePositives + falsePositives)
      val recall = truePositives / Math.max(1.0, truePositives + falseNegatives)

      val f1Score = 2.0 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)

      if (f1Score > bestF1){
        bestF1 = f1Score
        bestEpsilon = epsilon

    (bestEpsilon, bestF1)

    * Function to calculate true / false positives, negatives
    * @param labelWithPredictionCached
    * @param labelVal
    * @param predictionVal
    * @return
  private def countStatisticalMeasure(labelWithPredictionCached: RDD[(Double, Double)], labelVal: Double, predictionVal: Double): Double = {
    labelWithPredictionCached.filter { labelWithPrediction =>
      val label = labelWithPrediction._1
      val prediction = labelWithPrediction._2
      label == labelVal && prediction == predictionVal

  1. 读取数据集,在hdfs的路径/user/mapr/,转化为RDD,训练模型,预测异常点:
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg._
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

// val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Anomaly Detection Spark2")
// val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

val rawFilePath = "/user/mapr/training.csv"
val cvFilePath = "/user/mapr/cross_val.csv"
val rawdata = sc.textFile(rawFilePath, 2).cache()
val cvData = sc.textFile(cvFilePath, 2).cache()

val trainingVec: RDD[Vector] = FeaturesParser.parseFeatures(rawdata)
val cvLabeledVec: RDD[LabeledPoint] = FeaturesParser.parseFeaturesWithLabel(cvData)

// trainingVec.collect().foreach(println)
// cvLabeledVec.collect().foreach(println)

val data = trainingVec.cache()
val anDet: AnomalyDetection = new AnomalyDetection()
//derive model
val model = anDet.run(data)

val dataCvVec = cvLabeledVec.cache()
// val optimalModel = anDet.optimize(dataCvVec, model)

//find outliers in CV
val cvVec = cvLabeledVec.map(_.features)
// cvVec.collect().foreach(println)
// print("-->"+typeOf[cvVec])
val results = model.predict(cvVec)

// results.collect().foreach(println)
val outliers = results.filter(_._2).collect()
// outliers.foreach(v => println(v._1))
println("\nFound %s outliers\n".format(outliers.length))


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