6.4~6.10 阿甘正传 排表

6.4~6.10 阿甘正传 排表

作者: Girlin | 来源:发表于2018-05-30 18:48 被阅读0次

6.4 周一:(Anna&Daniel)

能做他的下属我觉得很幸运 I felt real lucky he was my lieutenant.

他来自一个军人世家 He was from a long, great military tradition.

他家族的人曾经分别参加Somebody in his family had fought,and died in every single American war.


见鬼,抓紧时间 God damn it, kick some ass.

快去做! Get on it!

我想你可以说 I guess you could say

他很有荣誉感 he had a lot to live up to.

那么你们几个是堪萨斯人,是吗? So, you boys from Arkansas, huh?

6.4~6.10 阿甘正传 排表


嗯 Well,我去过那里 I been through there.

小石城是个好地方 Little Rock's a fine town.

嗯 Well,我去过那里 I been through there.

小石城是个好地方 Little Rock's a fine town.

现在放下装备 Now, shake down your gear.

去找排军需官 See the platoon sergeant.

领你要用的东西 Draw what you need for the field.如果你们几个饿了 If you boys are hungry,

我们这儿正好在烧牛排 we got steaks burning right over here .我们排有两条守则„ Two standing orders in this platoon--

一:保护好你的脚 1-- take care of your feet,

二:别做任何傻事 2-- try not to do anything stupid,比如让你自己被打死 Like getting yourself killed.

6.4~6.10 阿甘正传 排表


我希望我不会令他失望 I sure hope I don't let him down.

我到了这个国家的很多地方 I got to see a lot of the country side.

我们走了很长的路 We would take these real long walks.

停下! Hold it up!

停下,兄弟们! Hold up, boys!

也不总是很有趣 It wasn't always fun.

丹中尉总是有些奇怪的感觉 Lieutenant Dan was always getting these funny feelings 对于路上的风吹草动 about a rock or a trail or the road,

他会叫我们蹲下,安静 so he'd tell us to get down, shut up.

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蹲下! Get down!

安静! Shut up!

我们都照做 So we did.

我对什么都不太明白 Now I don't know much about anything,

但我想美国最好的年青人 but I think some of America's best young men

都参加了这场战争 served in this war.

究竟出什么事了? What the hell's going on?

嗯,我不记得泰克斯是哪里人了 Well, I don't remember where Tex come from…

啊,没事了 Ah, nothing.

第四排,站起来 Fourth platoon, on your feet.

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你们 10分钟内赶到河边 Y'all got 10 clicks to go to that river.

出发 Move out.

齐步走! Step it up!

那边好象不错 Look alive out there .

在越南最好的一点 The good thing about Vietnam

就是总有地方可去 is there was always someplace to go.

小心手雷! Fire in the hole!

阿甘,搜一下那个洞 Gump, check out that hole.

也总有事情可做 And there was always something to do.

散开!掩护他! Spread out! Cover his back!

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有一天开始下雨了 One day it started raining,

然后一直不停的下了四个月 and it didn't quit for four months.

我们经历了各种各样的雨„ We've been through every kind of rain there is--

象小针样的雨 little bitty stinging rain

还有倾盆大雨 and big old fat rain,

从侧面下的雨 rain that flew in side ways,

有时甚至还有 and sometimes rain even seemed

从下往上的雨 to come straight up from underneath.

连晚上也下雨 Shoot, it even rained at night.

6.4~6.10 阿甘正传 排表


嘿,福雷斯 Hey, Forrest.

嘿,布巴 Hey, Bubba.

我的背靠着你的背 I'm going to lean up against you.

你的背靠着你的背 You lean up against me.

这样我们睡着的时候 This way we don't have to sleep

头就不会钻进泥里 with our heads in the mud.

你知道为何我们是好伙伴,福雷斯? You know why we're a good partnership, Forrest? 因为我们互相照顾 'Cause we be watching out for one another,

就象兄弟一样 like brothers and stuff.

我在考虑一件事 something I been thinking about.

我有个很重要的问题要问你 I got a very important question to ask you.

6.4~6.10 阿甘正传 排表


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      本文标题:6.4~6.10 阿甘正传 排表
