1. stir the emotion,热血沸腾
Although, as the navy said, the trial is only to test the reliability and capacity of its propulsion system(动力系统的可靠性以及容量), the maiden sea trials of China's first domestically designed aircraft carrier (航空母舰) on Sunday morning stirred the emotions of many Chinese.
2. “There will be no repeat of the gunboat diplomacy and seaborne humiliations of the past.” ----(以武力相威胁的)炮舰外交以及过去的海上耻辱将一去不复返。
Since its doors were forced open from the outside by Western navies in the late 19th century, it has been a dream for China to have a strong navy, so that there will be no repeat of the gunboat diplomacy and seaborne humiliations of the past.
3. “It embodies both China’s self-reliance, the industrial and technological progress it has made, and the degree to which its naval capabilities have progressed.”----自立更生、工业技术进步、海军实力提升
Although it is not the latest-generation carrier technology, "Type 001A", as the vessel is currently known, is endogenously designed and built. Expected to be commissioned (服役) by 2020, it embodies both China’s self-reliance, the industrial and technological progress it has made, and the degree to which its naval capabilities have progressed.
4. The Chinese navy has "stood up in the East" with a brand new image.----以全新的姿态屹立于东方
As President Xi Jinping said last month when conducting a review in the South China Sea, notable progress has been made in modernizing the country's navy. The new carrier reinforces his message that the Chinese navy has "stood up in the East" with a brand new image. However, it still has a long way to go.
5. It still has a long way to go. 不解释。