I have a dream 复盘

作者: readingwith程程 | 来源:发表于2018-10-26 08:05 被阅读56次

    Highlights of this month's "The crack of dawn"


    1. go down in history = to be remember by many people for having done something

    2. Five score years = 100 years

    3. Emancipation Proclamation = President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863 解放黑人奴隶宣言

    Declaration of Independence = 独立宣言

    4. a great beacon light of 指引的灯塔

    5. 曲终人散 When the song ends, people scatter

    6. manacles of segregation 种族隔离的镣铐 对应 chains of discrimination

    7. a vast ocean of material prosperity 当时美国物质发达的社会

    8. dramatize, idolize, demonize, weaponize, socialize, realize, finalize, recognize, specialize

    9. The elephant in the room 显而易见,却被忽视的问题

    10. 延禧攻略,皇帝翻牌 being bedded by the emperor

    11. promissory note = 期票 NSF = no sufficient funds

    12. the unalienable rights 不可剥夺的权利

    13. tranquilizing drug = 镇定药

    14. quicksands = 流沙

    15. solid rock = 坚实的基石 My factor is my rock老爸是我的靠山

    16. children 读音 chill ...

    17. sweltering summer 炎热的夏日

    18. legitimate 合理的

    19. a rude awakening 中的rude =unexpected

    20. a rude PDA (public display of affection)晒恩爱

    21. rightful place 对应 wrongful deeds

    22. The end doesn't justify the means

    23. long for = thirst of 渴求

    24. did i butcher your name?

    25. high plane 和 majestic heights 都指一种高度

    26. degenerate 降级

    27. physical force 和 soul force 对应, 身灵合一

    28. engulf = (of a natural force) sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it completely. 在这里指新形式温和的抗议运动涌入黑人群体

    29. come to realize 里的come是一种强调,比直接用realize更强调这个过程

    30. tied up和 bound to 呼应

    31. There's no turning back 没有回头路

    32. heavy with sth. If something is heavy with something else, it has a lot of it or is full of it: The trees were heavy with fruit. 口味重 I am heavy on salt.

    33. mobility 流动性,寒门难出贵子,社会阶级的流动性 social mobility

    34. ghetto 平民窟

    35. New York 地名,重音在后

    36. fresh off the boat 初来乍到

    37. battered 形容词 破旧的 this is a battered house/car

    38. dissident 持不同政见者

    39. storms of persecution 对应 the winds of police brutality

    40. veteran 老兵,老手,(诙谐)老司机

    41. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive 苦其心志,劳其筋骨

    42. slum = ghetto

    43. To wallow is to roll about in something, as a pig wallows in mud or a billionaire wallows in money. wallow in mud 动物在泥中打滚 wallow in sorrows 沉湎于悲伤

    44. 即兴演讲 improvise on the spot, make it up as he went along

    45. self-evident = crystal clear, clear cut 不言而喻,显而易见 it goes without saying, everyone knows that, apparently

    46. Don't judge a book by its cover, but by the content

    47.皮肤白黑 fair, pale, dark, tanned

    48. get sth out of your chest 比较即兴的

    49. eloquent, power of language

    50. nip something in the bud = suppress or destroy something, especially at an early stage.

    51. racist 种族歧视者 sexist 性别歧视者

    52. crooked 形容词和动词读法不同 牙不齐 crooked teeth

    53. speak up for it, stand up for it 维护它

    54. no-brainer = something that requires or involves little or no mental effort. = easy decision

    55. come in handy

    56. Old habits die hard

    57. snow-capped = (of a mountain) having a covering of snow on the top. ironclad = covered or protected with iron. impossible to contradict, weaken, or change.

    58. go-getter = an aggressively enterprising person.

    59. make a mountain out of a molehill = is an idiom referring to over-reactive, histrionic behavior where a person makes too much of a minor issue. 小题大做

    60. take everything with a grain of salt = To take a statement with 'a grain of salt' or "a pinch of salt" means to acknowledge it only, but continue to maintain a degree of skepticism.

    61. any takers?

    62. mushy cheesy

    Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.



        本文标题:I have a dream 复盘
