

作者: 大汪小喵 | 来源:发表于2018-03-03 14:34 被阅读14次

下文中所有英文句子摘自“China growth rate to 'stay above 6.5 percent' mark”


文章开篇就提到厦门大学以及经济参考报对中国经济的增长做出了预测,forecast that China will achieve a growth rate of 6.73 percent this year and will see slightly slower growth of 6.6 percent in 2019.总体而言,中国经济的增长在今后的两年会保持在6.5%至7%之间。

接着,文章提到了政府工作的重中之重:ecoconomic deleveraging 以及 curbing financial risks。对,他们就是经济去杠杆以及控制金融风险。

同时,文章也提到了通货膨胀率的温和增长以及与之相关联的消费者物价指数的增长。The country will also see mild growth in inflation with the consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, reaching 2.13 percent。

紧接着,重点来了,那就是中国经济转型如箭在弦,就此文章中又提到了两个关键词----创新和政策支持:China's economy will be transformed from old to new by involving innovation and supporting policies。

具体而言,中国经济的转型涉及到经济结构调整以及新技术、新产业以及新格局的全面铺开:by how structural transformation can be promoted in more places, how new technologies, industries and formats can be continuously conducted and changed in various sectors。

文章转而又谈到2017年的种种:一是2017年的经济增长势头超出预期,发展良好:China's economic growth beat forecasts to reach 6.9 percent year-on-year in 2017。二是全球经济大环境给力:global economic recovery and rebounding demand for goods in 2017。

在内外经济都呼呼前进的当口,文章首先指出经济发展的第一架马车--中国出口总量将会继续增长: China's export volume would grow by 9.65 percent in 2018, about 1.75 percentage points higher from the previous year。

文章也提到经济的另外两架马车--消费和投资,提到政府更应该对消费上上心:urged the government to pay more attention to consumption that can result in investment, as well as boost sustainable industrial production.

文章最后也指出了经济呼呼发展同时的一些问题,这些问题都有关于投资:falling growth rate of fixed assets,unbalanced investment structure and declining investment efficiency,no obvious increase in the growth rate of private investment,the government still has to rely on infrastructure investment and strengthen investment in State-owned enterprises at all levels in relevant monopolies.


forcast 预测

achieve a growth rate of *** 获得***的增长率

slightly slower growth of*** 稍微慢一点至***的增长率

economic deleveraging 经济去杠杆化

curb financial risks 控制金融风险

mild growth in inflation 通货膨胀率的温和增长

consumer price index 消费者物价指数

gauge 计量器

transform 改变

format 格局

conduct 开展(比较正式)

year-on-year 同比

rebounding demand 反弹的需求

consumption 消费

sustainable industrial production 可持续的工业生产

fixed assets 固定资产(比如房产)

declining investment efficiency 投资效益降低

 infrastructure investment 基础设施投资

state-owned enterprises 国企

monopolies 垄断部门




