Stop laughing

Stop laughing

作者: 麻衣野草 | 来源:发表于2024-01-28 20:49 被阅读0次

I chatted with a net friend in English yesterday that was my first time talking with somebody totally in a foreign language.

At the beginning,I narrated a movie plot which was my study material to him.  The process was not smooth,I paused frequently ,like a first grade student was trying to imitate how to make sentences.  My partner laughed on and off.  I guess he was amused by my poor oral English.  To be honest,even though my performance was not like a native speaker or a language master,yet I reckoned my enthusiasm of expression runs high.  I said to him that's my huge progress.  I was so proud of my courage and brave.    He agreed with me as well as encouraged me.

Frankly speaking,I would like to say that was a special experience that chit-chat with a real person.  Both of us were happy and the stop laughing was the soul words during the chat.


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