
作者: nana7 | 来源:发表于2018-12-11 05:25 被阅读12次


published:12/8/2018 1:38:19 AM

DESPITE HOW EASY it looks in James Bond movies and heist flicks, good disguises are hard to pull off. A good wig and some makeup don't make you a new person—full transformation requires a full attitude adjustment. Just ask any contestant on RuPaul's Drag Race. And when you're a spy for the Central Intelligence Agency, being able to execute a perfect disguise can be a matter of life and death. Just ask Jonna Mendez.

007电影和大盗电影中的乔装打扮看起来再简单,真正的好伪装还是很难实现的。品质优良的假发和出众的化妆技术并不能使你变成另一个人——华丽大变身需要全面的姿态调整。看看《鲁保罗变装皇后秀》就知道了。而当你是美国中央情报局(CIA)间谍的时候,能不能完美伪装就是个要么生要么死的问题了。CIA技术执行官&伪装主管 Jonna Mendez 会告诉你这里面的技术含量。

"One of our officers, probably working out of the American embassy, would have surveillance 24 hours a day; they'd have teams of people following them," says Mendez, who spent years as the CIA's disguise chief. "But they had work to do; they had to communicate with people, clandestinely. The extremes we would go to to disguise those people was the most interesting, and the most challenging, part of the job."


So what does the agency do to protect its assets in the field? A lot of it, Mendez says, involves hiding a person's tell-tale features. If they have straight hair, make it curly. If they're young, give them a few streaks of gray. It also helps to change the way they walk or talk by putting a brace on their leg or an "artificial palate" in their mouth. Americans have a certain way of standing—weight on one foot or the other—and if they're trying to pass themselves off as European, it helps if they stand squarely on both feet. Good disguises, Mendez says, are almost always "additive;" you can make someone taller, heavier, or older, but "we can't go the other direction."


The CIA can also give a person the ability to do a "quick change." If someone knows they'll be trying to shake a tail, they can change their look as they move through busy sidewalks. Add a hat, change a shirt, add sunglasses, and—if it's done right—it'll look like someone has disappeared.


"You want to be the person that gets on the elevator, and then gets off, and nobody really remembers that you were even there," says Mendez, whose husband, Tony Mendez, was the subject of the 2007 WIRED story that became the movie Argo. "That is a design goal at the disguise labs at CIA."


Mendez的丈夫 Tony Mendez 就是电影《逃离德黑兰》的蓝本——《连线》杂志2007年一篇文章的主角。



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