

作者: CarpeDiem1011 | 来源:发表于2017-02-27 20:51 被阅读0次


    1.→Science is an ongoing search for truth.

    she's ready to resign or dissolve the parliament to end the ongoing political turmoil.


    -currently happening 

    adj. 前进的;不间断的,进行的

    2.→a perpetual struggle

    As the parents had five children,life was a perpetual struggle against poverty.

    perpetual mobile 永动机 perpetual calendar 万年历



    3.→driven by curiosity 兴趣使然 driven by interests 受利益驱使

    造句:The great innovations totally driven by curiosity.

    4.→he asserted that...

    -to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true=asseverate,maintain

    -insist on having one's opinions and rights recognized=affirm,verify,avow,aver,swan,swear

    Women should assert themselves more! 女性应该更加坚持捍卫自己的权利!

    assert to be true 断言某事是真实的

    -take a firm stand

    -put forward

    5.→...a good scientist must rely on empirical evidence

    -adj.based on observation or experimentation

    Yet the "buffer theory" seems to be based on weak empirical foundations.


    empirical laws. 约定俗成的法律


    6.→pick holes in the argument,and so falsify the theory.

    找出理论的漏洞;联想-鸡蛋里挑骨头,吹毛求疵find quarrel in a straw

    -to prove false=disprove/ confute 证明虚假

    -to make (a report, evidence, accounts, etc) false, fraudulent or inaccurate by alteration, esp in order to deceive 篡改,歪曲:falsify an income-tax report.



    解释 例句

    8.→compelling evidence  adj.引人入胜的;扣人心弦的;非常强烈的;不可抗拒的;有说服力的

    -tending to persuade by forcefulness of argument=persuasive

    -driving or forcing=powerful

    9.→progressions of idea  思想的连续

    it is a logical progression from the job before.这是以前工作的必然结果。



    →...got faster and faster as it progressed

    10.→an eclipse of the sun/moon  日/月食

    11.→many ingenious mechanical devices were invented

    造句:he is so ingenious that come up with a ingenious solution/way.



    12.→the publication of two ground-breaking books


    13.→...discovered the role of oxygen in combustion

    燃烧;烧毁 internal  combustion engine 内燃机

    14.→ palaeontology became fashionable as the remains of extinct creatures began to turn up

    古生物学                                                                       vt. 朝上翻,来到,卷起,找到,出现,发生

    15.→...,shaking classical physics and ending the idea of an absolute time and space

    16.→...which seemed like a daunting task in prospect 展望中

    -discouraging through fear adj. 使人畏缩的;使人气馁的;令人怯步的


    17.→the relentless search for the truths continues

    adj.残酷的, 不留情的, 无怜悯心的

    a sturdy relentless effort  稳定、坚持不懈的努力

    【反】relent vi. 变温和,变宽厚;减弱;缓和vt. 使变温和;减轻

    18.→Meanwhile, in India, China, and the Mediterranean, people tried to make sense of the movement of the heavenly bodies.

    make sense of =understand

    19.move a hope into reality

    20.It seems likely that there will always be more questions than answers,but future discoveries will surely continue to amaze.

    Day 2  Annie讲解+逻辑图

    1.→how the Universe works that goes back to the earliest civilizations.

    go back to 追溯到,返回/表示认识很久了

    we have been friends for  long time =we go back.

    date back to(定日期)/start off(以...开始)

    2.→The best known of the ancient Greek philosophers, Aristotle, wrote widely on scientific subjects

    3.→...if one object had twice the weight of another, it would fall twice as fast.

    4.learn off 听说,了解

    5.turn up 出现  show up 主动出现

    6. sth. come with sth. 随之出现

    7.leap-frogging 跳跃式前进

    8.take root in=it starts to develop/grow 开拓了市场

    9.Don't baby me!不要把我当小孩儿啦



    Day 3




