笃学奖-Day 1-A16351-甘比精读-fan

笃学奖-Day 1-A16351-甘比精读-fan

作者: fancyrus | 来源:发表于2017-02-27 22:39 被阅读0次

    * The best known of ... “最有名的...”又一种写法,作为积累。

    The best known of the ancient Greek philosophers, Aristotle ...

    * ongoing/perpetual

    * disprove

    要多积累这类词,pay attention to the English pattern. The key lies in the prefix such as dis-/out-



    * empirical

    empirical evidence(习惯法,注意!)/research/study/knowledge

    ANTONYM theoretical

    * apparent 常见意思不再赘述,简要提一下不熟悉的用法。

    for no apparent reason 挺耳熟的

    It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.

    It soon became apparent to everyone that he could not sing. 这里的apparent相当于clear

    描述图或表时,From the data in the graph above, it is apparent that... 从上图的数据明显可以看出

    描述图或表的各种表达参照illustrate中的language bank


    e.g. My parents were concerned about my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school.     

    He died of an apparent heart attack.

    还有如下固定搭配:apparent paradox/contradiction/discrepancy

    e.g. the apparent paradox of people migrating during the periods of low employment

    The potential of loss was all too apparent. 不能更明显了(in an unpleasant and worrying way)

    * Alhazen's scientific method: The duty of the man who investigates the writings of scientists, if learning the truth is his goal, is to make himself an enemy of all that he reads, and ... attack it from every side. He should also suspect himself as he performs his critical examination of it, so that he may avoid falling into either prejudice or leniency(宽大,仁慈 a punishment that is not as severe as it should be).

    * If it seems to be true, then the results may be sent out for peer review, in which people working in the same or a familiar field are invited to pick holes in(挑刺儿) the argument, and to falsify the theory, or to repeat the experiment to make sure the results are correct.

    falsify 篡改

    e.g. the deliberate falsification of the company's records

    * speculative 同样,常规词义不写。

    He eyed her speculatively. 他疑惑地看了她一眼。

    speculative investments 投机性的

    * When the New Zealand-born scientist... 不要老写New Zealander/kiwi,可以用-born改变一下。

    * deflection 偏离

    e.g. the deflection of the missile away from its target     

    The goal was scored with a deflection off the goalkeeper. 球是打在守门员身上反弹入网的。(in sports, it refers to “反弹”)

    * compelling 同,熟悉的不写。


    e.g. Her novel makes compelling reading.这个句式很讨巧,看上去很妙,翻译成“她的书读起来扣人心弦”。

    similarly,还可以写"His life makes a compelling story"。


    e.g. a compelling need

    * 积累复合词。long-held

    * a geocentric universe/theory 地球中心论

    * apparatus 同,熟悉意思不写。

    注意可以用来特指政府机关 the power of the state apparatus

    还可以用来指一套身体器官 the sensory apparatus

    * reason

    ...reasoned that the Earth must be once covered by the sea. 推断


    * a scientific outlook 科学观念【惯用法】

    * 复合词again, ground-breaking

    * quash

    His conviction was quashed by the Court of Appeal. 上诉法院撤销了对他的判决。

    The rumors were quickly quashed. (=suppress) 流言很快被制止了。

    * This marked the birth of Chemistry as a science, as distinct from the mystical alchemy from which it arose.

    注意这个句式,后面的as应该表转折意,是否和前面的as有联系不知。28号补as 用法。

    * 要注意倒装句式,with the dinosaurs came the idea of evolution.


    * 生词集合:

    combustion 燃烧

    phlogiston (古化学)燃素

    meteorologist 气象学家

    thermodynamics 热力学

    stratum 岩层 (plr. strata)【还有阶层之意:people from all social strata】

    palaeontology 古生物学

    genome 基因组,染色体组

    * technical advance 科技进步

    * 又一次,复合词。leap-frogging ideas with increasing precision

    * 积累名作动。

    之前寒假写作里面有两个:cloud, house.


    e.g.  Some planets in orbit around distant stars may even harbour life.

    * daunting 令人气馁的


    e.g. the daunting task/prospect

    * relentless 这个也记过,又一个忘掉的。再记一遍。

    her relentless pursuit of perfection 对完美的不懈追求

    a relentless enemy 残酷的敌人

    PS 这个跟开头的ongoing/perpetual是呼应的。

    the relentless search for the truth continues. 可以放在一起记。

    * 因为科学类文章有好多表示“提出”/“阐述”/“产生”的词or词组。总结一下,在写作的时候注意替换。

    propose a theory


    sth progress


    (begin to) take root



    open up new fields of

    be applied/developed to

    lay out




    有空了想把off的用法好好研究一下。prep. is the soul.


    以及,这篇文章里的扩展知识再挖一下。broaden your horizon. 今天来不及就查了个Alhazen



        本文标题:笃学奖-Day 1-A16351-甘比精读-fan
