

作者: 猫三角看世界 | 来源:发表于2022-11-16 13:09 被阅读0次

One day,while surgey after,a nurce told him that a phone had been finding him.He heard the voice is Teleisha.She was called phone from train station.He is very happy.But unfortunately,he had something in the evening,only can go to his house second day.While the phone finished,he always complained himself and didn’t let her come frequently.How he had time to get rid of the appointment that had promised before!He was seeing,what Teleisha had done in the long thirty-six hours before they met,he wanted to find her in the city of everywhere immeditentely.

On the second evening,she came.She took a bag side,long shoulder strap,he thought she was more genery than last time.She took a thick book that was “Anna Karenina” of Leo Tolstoy.She looed happy and there was a little noisy,and she pretended a hard look to him which she only passed accidentely,was for a special thing:she came Pargue that because the work,perhaps (her words was very confused)found a new job.

Later, they lied the sofa side by side,naked body,had tired.The night deeply.He asked her where she lived,he wanted to drive her go home.She had a little embarrassed look said she was founding a hotel,had took the luggage on the station came here before.

Last night evening,he was tired if he asked her came Prague,she would give him a life.Now,heard that her luggage survived the train station ,he was thinking,before she gave him a life,had survived it on the luggage,and survived the train station.



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