

作者: 闻美心 | 来源:发表于2023-07-06 14:09 被阅读0次

    Plan 1 

    Diet plan 1 is a very easy plan to follow. Prepping is very convenient and food is ready in a minutes. However practically easy, it is a strict plan that yields the fastest results. You can lose between 10 and 12 kilograms in your first 4 weeks, provided that you are absolutely committed and stick to the plan 100%. Results vary from person to person.

    This diet contains only protein and certain allowed vegetables. There are no carbs or fats in this plan.

    This diet is great for insulin resistant woman that might have struggled with weight loss before. Prepping your meals are crucial for success.

    Important things to note:

    You are not allowed any milk or sugar in your tea or coffee

    No alcohol may be consumed, yes you read correctly - NONE

    You have to eat all 3 meals during the day 5 hours apart

    Eat no later than 7pm at night

    You have to drink 2lts of water a day, very important

    Food must be weighed raw into exact portions before cooking

    You will have to prepare other food for the family so you will have to cook “twice”

    If it's not on the plan, you cannot have it!

    This plan will begin to feel boring and repetitive, but delivers FAST results.

    饮食计划1 是一个非常容易遵循的计划。准备工作非常方便,食物在几分钟内就做好了。无论实际上多么容易,它都是一个能够产生最快结果的严格计划。如果您绝对承诺并 100% 坚持计划,您可以在头 4 周内减掉 10 到 12 公斤。结果因人而异。





    不得饮酒,是的,您没有看错- 无

    您必须在一天中间隔5 小时吃完所有 3 餐







    Plan 2

    Diet plan 2 is a varied diet, suitable for the whole family. You can lose between 6 and 8 kilos in 12 weeks, some women have shown to lose even more on this plan. Results vary from person to person. This diet contains protein, veggies, good carbs, and good fats. 

    You can use our Sprezzatura convenient recipes, such as bobotie, chicken and broccoli bake, baby marrow fritters, and even flap jacks! Prepping your meals is crucial for success, but the whole family can share. Portion control is applied with meals, this is explained in the complete guide. 

    Important things to note:

    You are not allowed milk, however, you may use almond milk

    You may consume alcohol only in a limited quantity and only alcohol that has empty calories eg. Vodka/Whiskey on the rocks or with sugar-free mixers/soda water

    Eat no later than 7 pm

    You have to drink 2lts of water a day

    This diet contains intermitted fasting

    This diet is effort, there is a recipe for each meal of the 12 weeks, and you will have more ingredients to buy than Plan 1

    Cooking and prepping time is longer 

    You won't feel like you are on a "diet"

    饮食计划2是多样化的饮食,适合全家人。您可以在 12 周内减掉 6 到 8 公斤,一些女性在这个计划中减掉了更多。结果因人而异。这种饮食含有蛋白质、蔬菜、优质碳水化合物和优质脂肪。

    您可以使用我们Sprezzatura公司 的方便食谱,例如 bobotie、鸡肉和西兰花烘烤、婴儿骨髓油条,甚至是千斤顶!准备饭菜是成功的关键,但全家人都可以分享。部分控制与膳食一起应用,这在完整指南中有解释。







    这种饮食很努力,12 周的每一餐都有一个食谱,而且你会比计划 1 购买更多的食材



    Plan 3 

    This plan is for people who struggle with emotional or binge eating. If you are classified as obese on the BMI index then you need to consider this diet. Women that need to lose 30kg or even more need a different weight loss nutrition plan. It is very likely that you have an emotionally destructive dependence towards food, and that you need coaching to help you break the vicious cycle. This diet is actually Diet Plan 2, but starts a little bit differently. We first add good foods to your diet before we take anything away. You will also need to be very committed to Learning how to deal with your “stuff” and that’s not easy. It’s uncomfortable and messy. For you to get to a place where a weight loss program will succeed you need to work with the messy stuff that is sabotaging your success. I had to learn the hard way that what we put into our mind, we eat into our body, and ultimately is the way we look on the outside. The way you treat your body is a direct reflection of what worth you think you have. If you feed it rubbish then you believe you are rubbish. This diet helps you work with the triggers and bad habits you have with food. Weight loss will be slower but you will learn how to adapt and change your lifestyle which is very important for your health and emotional wellbeing.

    该计划适用于因情绪激动或暴饮暴食而苦苦挣扎的人。如果您根据BMI 指数被归类为肥胖,那么您需要考虑这种饮食。需要减重 30 公斤甚至更多的女性需要不同的减肥营养计划。您很可能对食物有一种情绪上的破坏性依赖,您需要辅导来帮助您打破恶性循环。这种饮食实际上是饮食计划 2,但开始有点不同。在我们带走任何东西之前,我们首先在您的饮食中添加好的食物。您还需要非常致力于学习如何处理您的“东西”,这并不容易。这很不舒服而且很乱。为了让你的减肥计划取得成功,你需要处理那些阻碍你成功的杂乱事物。我必须通过艰难的方式学习,我们把什么放在心里,我们吃进我们的身体,最终是我们从外面看的方式。你对待自己身体的方式直接反映了你认为自己拥有的价值。如果你喂它垃圾,那么你就认为你是垃圾。这种饮食可以帮助您解决与食物有关的诱因和坏习惯。减肥会比较慢,但您将学习如何适应和改变您的生活方式,这对您的健康和情绪健康非常重要。



