sort -t $'\t' -k 1,1 -k 2n,2 -k 3n,3 bed > sort.bed:
输入按坐标排序过的bam比对结果文件和bed区间信息文件,统计bed文件中,目标区间内比对结果的深度信息。 关于S...
stay in bed 待在床上 (in bed 常指生病在床上, on the bed 常指物品在床上) 5. ...
it's time for bed time for bed. It's time to sleep ...
Talking In Bed 卧谈 Philip Larkin Talking in bed ought to b...
原创:hxj7 关键词:bed; sort; cmp; key; alpha-numeric 问题在处理NGS数据...
hapmap format (.hmp) ped(.ped) map(.map) bed(.bed) 参考:Bas...
Now ,it maybe my bed time . I just through all of bed thi...
1. Make the Binned Bed file. The bed file should be don...
本文标题:bed 排序