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Jetson Nano Running Samples

Jetson Nano Running Samples

作者: 童年雅趣 | 来源:发表于2019-03-28 11:11 被阅读253次
    1. 如何下载镜像软件到Jetson Nano

    Step1. 进入Recovery mode

    1. 找到J40和J48 跳PIN, 将J48跳线帽接起,再将J40 3和4Pin接起,这样Nano在上电后就会进入Force Recovery Mode
      2.Jetson Nano核心板插入micro-SD卡,插入micro-USB线,再接上电源
    2. 运行sdkmanager 或 Linux_for_Tegra

    Step2. Flash 全部镜像文件

    Step3. Flash DTB文件
    Jetson Nano DTS 文件存储在:
    Nano 采用的DTS 文件:tegra210-p3448-0000-p3449-0000-a02.dts

    Modify that file and the files it includes (DTSI). When you build the kernel it will build the DTS files into DTB files. The resulting DTB file is located here (assuming you use the build directory above)

    Now comes the hard part. The DTB file needs to be placed into a partition header and signed/encrypted. The only way I've found to do this is to copy the DTB file here:
    Then run:

    sudo ./create-jetson-nano-sd-card-image.sh -o sd-blob.img -s 4G -r 200

    This will create an IMG file that can be programmed into an SD card or the internale MMC on the actual SOM. In the process of creating the IMG file it will take the DTB file and place the signed copy here:

    Pull the SD card out of the Nano and put into your Linux machine (share the USB into the VM). Now the following in the bootloader/signed directory.

    sudo dd if=tegra210-p3448-0000-p3449-0000-a02.dtb.encrypt of=/dev/sdx10

    This will program the DTB file into the partition. Put the SD card back in the
    Nano and reboot.

    2. 如下Samples 软件运行在32GB SanDisk UHS-I/U3 MicroSD Card上

    CUDA 10(路径:/usr/local/cuda/,默认系统未加入到环境变量)
    export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/cuda/bin
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/cuda/lib64
    Tegra Multimedia API :
    $sudo make -j4 (编译)

    $sudo nvpmodel -m 0 (5V 2A Mode)
    $sudo nvpmodel -m 1 (5V 1A Mode)
    $sudo tegrastats (CPU/GPU/EMC/Temperature Status)

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install samba
    sudo apt-get install python3-pip
    Tensorflow 1.13.1
    pip3 install --extra-index-url https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/redist/jp/v42 tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1+nv19.3 --user
    sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev

    2. GPIO for Nano

    Jetson.GPIO库 已经预装在Nano,无需再安装其他GPIO Python库,如果安装了其他GPIO库需先卸载方可以正常适用Jetson.GPIO, 预安装路径:


    运行Jetson.GPIO前需运行以下步骤,建立GPIO 运行环境
    步骤一 - 设置运行权限Setup permissions

    $sudo groupadd -f -r gpio
    $sudo usermod -a -G gpio $USER
    $sudo cp /opt/nvidia/jetson-gpio/etc/99-gpio.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
    $sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
    $sudo reboot now

    步骤二 - Python 代码引用
    添加如下Python 代码后,才可以调用 import the RPi.GPIO (或者 motorhat library等)

    import sys
    import Jetson.GPIO

    import RPi.GPIO

    Jetson.GPIO doesn't support PWM.
    However, the following I2C controlled board can generate PWM signals up to ~1.6kHz and should have Python libraries available.
    You could potentially connect this to whatever H-Bridge meets the power requirements of your application. The motor driver we used for JetBot actually combines this chip and multiple H-bridge on the same board.

    3. MXNET for Nano

    下载Wheel file here.

    sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential libatlas-base-dev libopencv-dev graphviz python-pip
    sudo pip install mxnet-1.4.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_aarch64.whl

    下载Wheel file here.

    sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential libatlas-base-dev libopencv-dev graphviz python3-pip
    sudo pip install mxnet-1.4.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_aarch64.whl

    4. Nano 运行Darknet (本案例采用 Alexey_Darknet)

    $git clone https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet.git

    修改Makefile内容,添加GPU/CUDNN/OPENCV 支持:
    $make -j4

    Darknet运行时Nano 电流较大,实测5V 瞬间电流有达到2.5A,也就是说普通的5V-2A MicroUSB 供电是无法满足的,此时需要提供5V-2A AC Adapter或者5V-4.5A MicroUSB 供电,以满足正常运行Darknet Yolo。
    下载对应weight就可以运行了, 比如自带的
    compute_capability = 530, cudnn_half = 0


    5. Nano 运行 Camera (案例采用 Raspberry Pi Camera v2)**

    Nano 已支持Camera列表

    相机安装后,以RAW 格式打开并预览:
    $nvgstcapture-1.0 -m 2

    附录 代码及终端信息

    $nvgstcapture-1.0 -m 2

    nvidia@tw-Nano:~$ nvgstcapture-1.0 -m 2
    Encoder null, cannot set bitrate!
    Encoder Profile = High
    Supported resolutions in case of ARGUS Camera
      (2) : 640x480
      (3) : 1280x720
      (4) : 1920x1080
      (5) : 2104x1560
      (6) : 2592x1944
      (7) : 2616x1472
      (8) : 3840x2160
      (9) : 3896x2192
      (10): 4208x3120
      (11): 5632x3168
      (12): 5632x4224
    Runtime ARGUS Camera Commands:
      Help : 'h'
      Quit : 'q'
      Set Capture Mode:
              (1): image
              (2): video
      Get Capture Mode:
      Set sensor orientation:
              (0): none
              (1): Rotate counter-clockwise 90 degrees
              (2): Rotate 180 degrees
              (3): Rotate clockwise 90 degrees
      Get sensor orientation:
      Set Whitebalance Mode:
              (0): off
              (1): auto
              (2): incandescent
              (3): fluorescent
              (4): warm-fluorescent
              (5): daylight
              (6): cloudy-daylight
              (7): twilight
              (8): shade
              (9): manual
      Get Whitebalance Mode:
      Set Saturation (0 to 2):
          st:<val> e.g., st:1.25
      Get Saturation:
      Set Exposure Compensation (-2 to 2):
          ec:<val> e.g., ec:-2
      Get Exposure Compensation:
      Set Auto Whitebalance Lock:
          awbl:<val> e.g., awbl:0
      Get Auto Whitebalance Lock:
      Set Auto Exposure Lock:
          ael:<val> e.g., ael:0
      Get Auto Exposure Lock:
      Set TNR Mode:
          tnrm:<val> e.g., tnrm:1
              (0): OFF
              (1): FAST
              (2): HIGH QUALITY
      Get TNR Mode:
      Set TNR Strength (-1 to 1):
          tnrs:<val> e.g., tnrs:0.5
      Get TNR Strength:
      Set EE Mode:
          eem:<val> e.g., eem:1
              (0): OFF
              (1): FAST
              (2): HIGH QUALITY
      Get EE Mode:
      Set EE Strength (-1 to 1):
          ees:<val> e.g., ees:0.5
      Get EE Strength:
      Set Auto Exposure Anti-Banding (0 to 3):
          aeab:<val> e.g., aeab:2
              (0): OFF
              (1): MODE AUTO
              (2): MODE 50HZ
              (3): MODE 60HZ
      Get Auto Exposure Anti-Banding:
      Set Gain Range:
          gr:<val><space><val> e.g., gr:1 16
      Get Gain Range:
      Set Exposure Time Range:
          etr:<val><space><val> e.g., etr:34000 35000
      Get Exposure Time Range:
      Set ISP Digital Gain Range:
          dgr:<val><space><val> e.g., dgr:2 152
      Get ISP Digital Gain Range:
      Capture: enter 'j' OR
               followed by a timer (e.g., jx5000, capture after 5 seconds) OR
               followed by multishot count (e.g., j:6, capture 6 images)
               timer/multihot values are optional, capture defaults to single shot with timer=0s
      Start Recording : enter '1'
      Stop Recording  : enter '0'
      Video snapshot  : enter '2' (While recording video)
      Get Preview Resolution:
      Get Image Capture Resolution:
      Get Video Capture Resolution:
    Runtime encoder configuration options:
      Set Encoding Bit-rate(in bytes):
          br:<val> e.g., br:4000000
      Get Encoding Bit-rate(in bytes):
      Set Encoding Profile(only for H.264):
          ep:<val> e.g., ep:1
              (0): Baseline
              (1): Main
              (2): High
      Get Encoding Profile(only for H.264):
      Force IDR Frame on video Encoder(only for H.264):
          Enter 'f' 
    bitrate = 4000000
    Encoder Profile = High
    Encoder control-rate = 1
    Encoder EnableTwopassCBR = 0
    ** Message: 15:36:22.464: <main:4564> iterating capture loop ....
    Framerate set to : 30 at NvxVideoEncoderSetParameterNvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 4 
    ===== NVMEDIA: NVENC =====
    NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 4 
    H264: Profile = 100, Level = 40 
    GST_ARGUS: Creating output stream
    CONSUMER: Waiting until producer is connected...
    GST_ARGUS: Available Sensor modes :
    GST_ARGUS: 3280 x 2464 FR = 21.000000 fps Duration = 47619048 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 10.625000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000;
    GST_ARGUS: 3280 x 1848 FR = 28.000001 fps Duration = 35714284 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 10.625000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000;
    GST_ARGUS: 1920 x 1080 FR = 29.999999 fps Duration = 33333334 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 10.625000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000;
    GST_ARGUS: 1280 x 720 FR = 59.999999 fps Duration = 16666667 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 10.625000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000;
    GST_ARGUS: 1280 x 720 FR = 120.000005 fps Duration = 8333333 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 10.625000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000;
    GST_ARGUS: Running with following settings:
       Camera index = 0 
       Camera mode  = 4 
       Output Stream W = 1280 H = 720 
       seconds to Run    = 0 
       Frame Rate = 120.000005 
    GST_ARGUS: PowerService: requested_clock_Hz=2016000
    GST_ARGUS: Setup Complete, Starting captures for 0 seconds
    GST_ARGUS: Starting repeat capture requests.
    CONSUMER: Producer has connected; continuing.



        本文标题:Jetson Nano Running Samples
