每日听英语112(Lesson120 It had alread

每日听英语112(Lesson120 It had alread

作者: 生命中最美的是成长 | 来源:发表于2024-06-17 00:02 被阅读0次

Lesson120 It had already happened.

I asked the price of the car, but they had already sold it.

I ran to the platform  quickly,but the train had already left.

He gave us our exercise books after he had corrected them.

She went on holiday after she had taken the examination.

She had finished the housework before she went out.

We had had dinner before they arrived.

Lesson120 It had already happened.

I asked the price of the car, but they had already sold it.

I ran to the platform  quickly,but the train had already left.

He gave us our exercise books after he had corrected them.

She went on holiday after she had taken the examination.

She had finished the housework before she went out.

We had had dinner before they arrived.


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    本文标题:每日听英语112(Lesson120 It had alread
