Dear professors
I am Ming Chen, the author of this study “Low expression of CHRDL1 and SPARCL1 predicts poor prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma based on comprehensive analysis and immunohistochemical validation” (CCIN-D-21-00431). Recently, thank you for your help, I have known the publication of my study. But I meet a problem with the invoice for this study, and I remember that I chose a credit card to pay the APC fee and I failed to receive the invoice. Now, my hospital asks me for the invoice unless my hospital cannot provide reimbursement for me. I am not very familiar with your system, and I am very worried about this. I would appreciate it if you can give me the invoice for this study. If you have any queries please communicate with me without hesitation. My email is Looking forward to your positive response. Thank you very much for what you do for us! Best wishes to you.
Yours sincerely
Ming Chen