口语:pay by swiping your card刷卡支付
1.pay by cash 现金支付(现付)
Pay by cash的英语什么意思?
When you pay by cash,you pay in bank notes/in paper money/in bills/in coins(现金现钞)
口语:pay by swiping your card刷卡支付2.pay by card 刷卡支付
Pay by card的英语什么意思?
When you pay by card,you pay by your credit card or debit card(储蓄卡,借记卡)
When you pay by card,you need to swipe your card(做刷卡的动作)
When you swipe your card,you need to pass your card through the slot(卡槽) on the READER(读卡器)
3.pay by scanning 扫码支付
Pay by scanning的英语什么意思?
When you pay by scanning,you scan the QR code(二维码).
4.pay by face 人脸扫描支付
Pay by face means Pay by facial recognition(人脸识别).